
Compare marginal event rates.

Primary LanguageR

Zachary McCaw
Updated: 2020-10-20


Given stratified binary event data for two arms, this package calculates summary statistics comparing two arms with respect to the marginal event rate. Marginal event rates are calculated as the stratum-size weighted-average of the per-stratum event rates, then compared via the risk difference, risk ratio, and odds ratio. Also see:

  • StratRMST for comparing restricted mean survival times.


devtools::install_github(repo = 'zrmacc/MargRates')


Consider the following 28-day unadjusted mortality data from a recent COVID-19 clinical trial, stratified by respiratory support at randomization

# Event counts.
y0 <- c(283, 682, 145)
n0 <- c(683, 2604, 1034)
y1 <- c(95, 298, 89)
n1 <- c(324, 1279, 501)

# Marginal Odds Ratio
out <- CompMargRates(
  y0 = y0,
  n0 = n0,
  y1 = y1,
  n1 = n1,
  alpha = 0.05,
  boot = TRUE,
  perm = TRUE,
  reps = 2e3
## Marginal Rates:
##   Arm    N     Rates
## 1   0 4321 0.2567286
## 2   1 2104 0.2292085
## Risk Difference:
##       Method     Stat        Est         SE       Lower        Upper          P
## 1 Asymptotic RiskDiff -0.0275201 0.01121997 -0.04951084 -0.005529367 0.01417575
## 4  Bootstrap RiskDiff -0.0275201 0.01123516 -0.04957270 -0.005407053 0.01799100
## Risk Ratio:
##       Method      Stat       Est         SE     Lower     Upper          P
## 2 Asymptotic RiskRatio 0.8928047 0.04218031 0.8138450 0.9794251 0.01639499
## 5  Bootstrap RiskRatio 0.8928047 0.04233066 0.8123457 0.9782870 0.01799100
## Odds Ratio:
##       Method      Stat       Est         SE     Lower     Upper          P
## 3 Asymptotic OddsRatio 0.8609283 0.05334131 0.7624797 0.9720881 0.01565469
## 6  Bootstrap OddsRatio 0.8609283 0.05358627 0.7608769 0.9712936 0.01799100
## Permutation test:
##        Stat        Est          P
## 1  RiskDiff -0.0275201 0.01299350
## 2 RiskRatio  0.8928047 0.01149425
## 3 OddsRatio  0.8609283 0.01199400