
Rank Normal Omnibus Association Test

Primary LanguageR

Rank Normal Omnibus Association Test

Zachary R. McCaw
Updated: 2022-08-15

This package implements genetic association tests based on the inverse normal transform (INT). These tests are recommend for continuous traits with non-normally distributed residuals. INT-based tests robustly control the type I error in settings where standard linear regression does not, as when the residual distribution exhibits excess skew or kurtosis. Moreover, INT-based tests dominate standard linear regression in terms of power. These tests may be classified into two types. In direct INT (D-INT), the phenotype is itself transformed. In indirect INT (I-INT), phenotypic residuals are transformed. The omnibus test (O-INT) adaptively combines D-INT and I-INT into a single robust and statistically powerful approach. See Operating characteristics of the rank-based inverse normal transformation for quantitative trait analysis in genome-wide association studies.


devtools::install_github(repo = 'zrmacc/RNOmni')

Package Vignette

Link to package vignette.