
A GitHub Template Project for serverless based projects to mostly ease the burden of setup, providing a set of helpers for developers to quick-off projects using serverless and node.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless Project Template

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About · Commiting · Versioning · Syntax Checking · Folder Structure

Documentation · Debugging · Testing · CI/CD

Serverless Project Template

All Contributors


This is a GitHub Template Project for serverless based projects to mostly ease the burden of setup, providing a set of helpers for developers to quick-off projects using serverless and node.

The helpers and adopted standards focus on commiting, versioning, writing and managing documentation, linting, style checking, formatting code, deploying, continuous delivering, testing, debugging and logging.

In the following sections, the choosen standards and use cases are explained.


Commiting follow the Conventional Commits 1.0.0 Specification enforced through commitizen.

OPTIONAL: You can set hooks locally for invoking the commit script or the commitizen cli.


This repository follows the semver 2.0.0 guideline and enforces it using the standard-version library. Standard Version was choosen (over semantic-release) since it only affects your local repository, thus enabling revision before publishing any releases.

Syntax Checking and Code Formatter

This project uses the AirBnb Style Guide and was configured using this script that install both ESLint (style / syntax checking) and Prettier (code formatter).

The set of rules used by default are the recommended by both the airbnb/base and the plugin:prettier/recommended configs.

For linting the codebase, run npm run lint. To fix any fixable errors automatically, run npm run lint:fix.

Folder Structure

The following folders are available and considered (for most use cases):

  • .github: GitHub configuration files for issue templates, pull request templates and github actions;
  • .vscode: Shared configuration for .vscode debugger;
  • bin: Binaries and Scripts that can be used for deployment, tooling, parsing, building or any other common operation;
  • docs: Automated generated docs using JSDoc (check package.json) for further info.
  • lib: Shared code, can be anything from logging and utilities, to common access patterns and data manipulation;
  • src: Services and specific code;
  • test: Test files for both src and lib code;


Documentation is generated using JSDoc. You can run npm run docs:gen to generate the latest documentation and npm run docs:serve to serve the generated documentation.



You can start a debug session using vscode debugger. Just run the Launch Serverless Offline (Locally) option. Then you can hit the API GW Simulator on localhost:3000. By default, this project accepts incoming GET requests on / and /{id}. An example request follows:

curl -v -L "http://localhost:3000/1?ok=true"

Any breakpoint will be lazily evaluated. Any code change will automatically restart the server, and breakpoints will be revaluated.


You can start the application using docker-compose by running the docker-compose up app or docker-compose run --service-ports app.

Optionally, you can run Launch Serverless Offline (Docker) to boot a container and bind to it automatically.


Tests are run through jest. You can run npm test, which will run every test suite available.

Otherwise, you can run a specific test file using the vscode debugger Jest (Current File) option.

For coverage report, run npm test on the command line or Jest (All) on vscode and run npm run cov:serve, which will serve the coverage report on http://localhost:2223.

Continuous Integration and Deployment

The CI/CD pipeline is provided by GitHub Actions.

For deployment, there are 2 default stages:

  • dev
  • production

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Pedro Gryzinsky

💻 📖

Nikolas Vago Serafini


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!