- 1
Mavlink Data Interferance in Yaapu Telemetry
#86 opened by kcee454 - 1
Use as antenna tracker translator
#87 opened by jasc76 - 10
Air side splitting for Teensy
#75 opened by n-snyder - 3
Can not get serial output
#80 opened by 404-fpv - 9
ESP8285 support for Mavlink_Switch
#78 opened by AaryanL - 20
No Sport out
#79 opened by ModaFpv - 8
- 5
FrSky port type ESP32 heltec RX8R receiver
#73 opened by Mogway28 - 3
Esp32 devkit sport questions
#76 opened by roque-canales - 8
Battery_maH_Source = 1 doesn't compile
#71 opened by Vabe7 - 15
No telemetry on yaapu/taranis
#67 opened by jeanbatfr - 8
impossible to flash into brand new wifi kit 32
#66 opened by jeanbatfr - 9
crossfire micro TX V2 as MavLink input
#43 opened by kniuk - 4
- 13
- 1
Minor typo: 0x5F101 -> 0xF101
#62 opened by rotorman - 3
- 1
GPS altitude with bound checking
#59 opened by rotorman - 4
Improved battery voltage handling plus a discussion about a special case for 12 cells in FrSky
#60 opened by rotorman - 2
pt_imu_temp needs further conversion (division with 100 and offset -19) to match @yaapu telemetry
#55 opened by rotorman - 2
pt_imu_temp uint8_t
#46 opened by rotorman - 0
Lines 1643 to 1646 and Line 1651 can be removed, ap_simple and pt_simple are assigned, but never used
#56 opened by rotorman - 1
ap_text can be 54 bytes long
#57 opened by rotorman - 4
- 4
Integration of this project with another
#42 opened by vincemic - 1
Please re-open issue #48
#54 opened by rotorman - 3
pt_hdop should be uint16_t instead of uint8_t
#50 opened by rotorman - 3
Negative value of GPS altitude is ignored
#51 opened by rotorman - 1
pt_bat2_volts and pt_bat2_amps are wrongly in float, and pt_bat[1]_amps wrongly in uint16_t
#52 opened by rotorman - 1
pt_bat1_capacity possibly unitialized
#53 opened by rotorman - 2
- 1
0x5002, GPS status, 2+2 bits (not 3+3 bits)
#47 opened by rotorman - 1
DecodeOneMavFrame() case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RAW_IMU should use mavlink_msg_raw_imu_get_temperature()
#45 opened by rotorman - 1
- 3
- 8
Pixhawk Mini to FRsky R9 Slim+
#40 opened by leol14 - 3
Cant compile for teensy
#39 opened by roque-canales - 9
Flight Mode Confliction with multiple MAV IDs
#38 opened by mike-bfd - 10
WeMos D1 Mini no S.port telemetry
#34 opened by hunterbeach - 1
Help for a newbie to use arduino
#37 opened by Solhead - 1
- 5
- 3
ESP12F Variant 1 code error
#33 opened by drnayeem - 52
- 31
configuration problem
#31 opened by Mogway28 - 1
AutoBaud doesn´t compile
#30 opened by Hasi123 - 1
- 38
Platform IO, esp12e compilation fails.
#27 opened by giacomo892 - 2
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