install vex
pip install vex
create virtualenv to work in
vex -m doj
install ansible (and other project deps)
pip install -r requirements.txt
install ansible roles
ansible-galaxy install -r roles.yml
build your ami
packer build packer-amazon-ebs.json
build a droplet snapshot
packer build --only digitalocean packer.json
install doctl tool and login
brew install doctl
doctl auth login
run the newly created image
# find the image id
image=$(doctl compute image list --format ID,Name | grep packer | tail -n 1 | cut -f1)
ssh_key_fingerprint=$(doctl compute ssh-key list | grep primary | cut -f3)
# launch a droplet from the packer created snapshot
doctl compute droplet create test-$image --size 512mb --image $image --region nyc2 --ssk-keys $ssh_key_fingerprint
check it's actually running and view the app
ip=$(doctl compute droplet list | grep test-$image | cut -f4)
curl http://$ip
echo "Open up your web browser to http://$ip to interact with the app!"
install Docker Toolbox
brew cask install dockertoolbox
create a host machine, since we're on OSX and cannot run docker natively
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
The command also creates a machine configuration in the ~/.docker/machine/machines/default directory. You only need to run the create command once. Then, you can use docker-machine to start, stop, query, and otherwise manage the VM from the command line.
connect your shell to the newly created machine
eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
to verify the setup
run docker run hello-world
Hello from Docker. This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
### build a docker container
packer build --only docker packer.json
### run the newly created image
docker run -p 80:80 -it masteinhauser/ansible-devops-journey /bin/bash -c "cd /opt/simple-chat/ && /opt/simple-chat/simple-chat & /usr/sbin/nginx
### check it's actually running and view the app
ip=$(docker-machine ip default) curl http://$ip echo "Open up your web browser to http://$ip to interact with the app!"