A service using Rest API in Java (Quarkus) that provides invoice data information from a credit card available in a database.
# Build
$ mvn clean package
# Local execution
$ mvn quarkus:dev -Ddebug=false
# Install image from file build_docker_push.sh
$ ./build_docker_push.sh
# Started and attaches to containers for a service
$ docker-compose --env-file ./.env up
# Install image from file build_docker_push.sh
$ ./build_docker_native.sh
# Started and attaches to containers for a service
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-native.yml --env-file ./.env up
- Maven: 3.8.4
- Java version: 17
- Docker version: 20.10.17
- Docker-compose version: v2.2.2
Docker Image:
- Minikube: v1.29.0
- Keycloak: 19.0.3
- postgres: 13
- jaegertracing/all-in-one: 1
- grafana/grafana: latest
- elasticsearch: 8.4.1
- Kibana: 8.4.1
- azul/zulu-openjdk: 17-latest
- smallrye-openapi
- smallrye-metrics
- smallrye-health
- opentelemetry
- hibernate-reactive-panache
- reactive-pg-client
Authentication and Security:
- oidc-client
- keycloak-authorization
Other integrations:
- resteasy-reactive-jackson
- lombok
- mapstruct
Unit and Integration testing:
- testcontainers
- keycloak-admin-client
- test-oidc-server
- rest-assured
openssl genrsa -out rsaPrivateKey.pem 2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in rsaPrivateKey.pem -out publicKey.pem
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -inform pem -in rsaPrivateKey.pem -outform pem -out privateKey.pem
hey -z 10s -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" http://localhost:8080/credit-cards-accounts/api/v1/accounts/8dcb8be4-bf5a-11ed-a85b-0242c0a89002/123/transactions
ab -k -n 10000 -c 10 -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" http://localhost:8080/credit-cards-accounts/api/v1/accounts/8dcb8be4-bf5a-11ed-a85b-0242c0a89002/123/transactions
Reinaldo Jesus Santana - reinaldojsantana@gmail.com