
Cross-platform mobile restaurant app developed for MSA programme using Xamarin and Visual Studio

Primary LanguageC#


Cross-platform mobile restaurant app developed for MSA programme using Xamarin and Visual Studio

Fabtikam Foods online ordering service


  • Basic login and registration system via user database
  • Retrieve and display food items with thumbnails from database
  • Allows authenticated users to add food items to cart, place and cancel orders via database
  • Food items recomended based on the weather of current user location (retrieved via GPS)
  • Microsoft bot framework integrated with LUIS API to query desired food items in store via text/language
    • E.g: Display all "cold" "drinks" on "sale" less than "4 dollars"
    • This will display all food of category=drinks, type=cold, sale=true and price lt $4
    • Integrated into App using webview - shows image cards of items retrieved
  • Customized profile loading such that upon login, users name and profile picture displayed in navigation menu
  • Ability to change user details - e.g. name, email, password, profile pic, address, phone
  • Map page which shows current user location and location of Fabrikam Food store
  • Basic facebook integration (however not used in database authentication)


  • Xamarin Google Maps API - https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/xamarin-forms/user-interface/map/
    • User location
  • Weather API - https://openweathermap.org/current
    • Temperature at user location, name (town) of user location
  • LUIS API - https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/language-understanding-intelligent-service-luis
    • Querying od database items based on natural language text input - done by bot
  • Imgur API - https://api.imgur.com/endpoints/image
    • User profile image hosting services (profile picture)


  • Cross-platform Geolocator service (GPS integration) - https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/GeolocatorPlugin
    • Allows cross-platform access to device GPS in Xamarin forms
  • Cross-platform Camera/Media service (Photo/image integration) - https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/MediaPlugin
    • Allows cross-platform access to camera and local images (file system) in Xamarin forms
  • Microsoft Bot framework - https://dev.botframework.com/
    • Seemlessly integrated bot which makes API calls to LUIS and displays food item details within webview via natural language text input