.__ .__.__ .__ _____ _____ ___ __|__| _____ |__| | |__|____ ____ / \\__ \ \ \/ / |/ \| | | | \__ \ / \ | Y Y \/ __ \_> <| | Y Y \ | |_| |/ __ \| | \ |__|_| (____ /__/\_ \__|__|_| /__|____/__(____ /___| / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::BASIC EXAMPLES You can choose between using RTAudio and PortAudio drivers in player.h by uncommenting the appropriate line. To use PortAudio, you will need to compile the portAudio library from http://http://www.portaudio.com/ and link it with your executable. Examples demonstrating different features can be found in the maximilian_examples folder. To try them, replace the contents of main.cpp with the contents of a tutorial file and compile. :::MAC OSX XCODE PROJECT You can run the examples using the 'maximilianTest' XCode 3 project provided. ::WINDOWS VISUAL STUDIO 2010 PROJECT This is in the maximilianTestWindowsVS2010 folder. You will need to install the DirectX SDK, so that the program can use DirectSound. :::COMMAND LINE COMPILATION IN MACOSX > g++ -Wall -D__MACOSX_CORE__ -o maximilian main.cpp RtAudio.cpp player.cpp maximilian.cpp -framework CoreAudio -lpthread > ./maximilian ::COMMAND LINE COMPILATION IN LINUX With OSS: > g++ -Wall -D__LINUX_OSS__ -o maximilian main.cpp RtAudio.cpp player.cpp maximilian.cpp -lpthread With ALSA: > g++ -Wall -D__LINUX_ALSA__ -o maximilian main.cpp RtAudio.cpp player.cpp maximilian.cpp -lasound -lpthread With Jack: > g++ -Wall -D__UNIX_JACK__ -o maximilian main.cpp RtAudio.cpp player.cpp maximilian.cpp `pkg-config --cflags --libs jack` -lpthread then: > ./maximilian :::::::::::::::::::::::::::OPENFRAMEWORKS Maximilian works well with the OpenFrameworks C++ creative coding toolkit (http://www.openframeworks.cc). In the ofxMaxim directory you will find examples to run in Windows, OSX and iOS, including FFT analysis and granular synthesis. You can install the ofxMaxim addon by copying the ofxMaxim/ofxMaxim folder into your openframeworks addons directory. Important: when using Maximilian on OSX, link against the Accelerate framework.