
Primary LanguageJava


It is base in Gson lib and use Annotation Processor.If you can add the @JsonBean annotation to bean,the json parse will be faster;

it can also process the bean without @JsonBean,which will be processed by default Gson.In addition you can use GsonAPT.setGson()to change the default Gson in GsonAPT.

How to use

step 1

dependencies {

compile project(':gsonaptannotation')

apt project(':gsonaptcomplier')


step 2: add the annotation to bean

@JsonBean public class LittleBean { String littleBeanName;

public String getLittleBeanName() {
    return littleBeanName;

public void setLittleBeanName(String littleBeanName) {
    this.littleBeanName = littleBeanName;

public LittleBean() {

public LittleBean(String littleBeanName) {
    this.littleBeanName = littleBeanName;


step 3:compile

compile will generate the GsonAPT class

step 4:use GsonAPT to replace new Gson()

    TestBean testBean = new TestBean();
    String str = GsonAPT.toJson(testBean);
    testBean = GsonAPT.fromJson(str,TestBean.class);

    Map<Integer, OtherBean> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put(9, new OtherBean(""));
    map.put(1, new OtherBean(null));
    String mapStr = GsonAPT.toJson(map);
    map = GsonAPT.fromJson(mapStr,new TypeToken<Map<Integer, OtherBean>>() {

How fast

how much time to parse the small bean:

times Gson toJson GsonAPT toJson Gson fromJson GsonAPT fromJson
10 3 1 10 1
10000 738 363 883 756
100000 8361 4420 10616 9346

how much time to parse the big bean:

times Gson toJson GsonAPT toJson Gson fromJson GsonAPT fromJson
1 673 325 811 700
10 7748 3740 9506 8182
times Gson toJson Speed / GsonAPT toJson Speed
10000(small) 49%
100000(small) 52%
1(big) 48%
10(big) 48%
times Gson fromJson Speed / GsonAPT fromJson Speed
10000(small) 86%
100000(small) 88%
1(big) 86%
10(big) 86%


  1. the field should was public , default or have the get/set method in the bean
  2. it no support the non-static inner class like the default Gson