Stripe Country Specs in JSON Format

Have you ever wanted to implement Stripe's Required Verification Information guidelines for Stripe Connect Custom? Sure, we've all been there at some point in our life.

This repository is a direct dump of the country spec for all supported countries, in JSON format.

Each folder in this repository represents a new update and is named by date.

Description of files:

File Description
default.json A direct dump of all Country Spec objects in JSON format, untouched and pure.
default-labeled.json A direct dump of all Country Spec objects, plus an extra label attribute which indicates country name.
required-fields.json A dump of only requirements - useful for building frontend components based on country requirements.

Each file has a .min version, in which the JSON has been minified but otherwise unchanged.

Tip: These JSON files are large. If you intend on serving them client-side, consider removing as much data as possible to lower the total download size.

Prefer a CSV File Dump?

The requirements page lists out the requirements in a nice table, and also offers a CSV file as well.

Prefer API Access?

The JSON dumps in this repository are grabbed directly from the Stripe API. You can do it too if you try hard enough:

Country Specs API Docs


This repository is public domain, except for any license Stripe imposes on their data. Please refer to Stripe's terms if you are concerned with licensing.