
(Experimental) git submodule manager

Primary LanguageJavaScript


gitdeps is a fairly experimental script for managing git submodules in a declarative fashion. It's somewhat of an alternative to dependency management tools like npm or Maven which require dependencies to have a specific structure (package.json/pom.xml). gitdeps does not trace dependencies, but it will pull any valid git repositories regardless of structure and store them as standard git submodules. Because of this, consumers of a project using gitdeps need not use gitdeps themselves and can initialize the submodules via the usual git submodule update --init.

.gitdeps file

.gitdeps is a JSON file in the root of your repository. It looks like this:

		//submodule will be stored as externals/<name>
		"name": "amd-utils",
		//url to the git repo
		"url": "git://github.com/millermedeiros/amd-utils.git",
		//a "commit-ish" tag, branch, or hash. defaults to "master"
		"commit": "v0.10.0",
		//(optional) array of symbolic links to create, with
		//target = externals/<name>
		"symlinks": [
				//(optional) directory under the repository's root.
				//created symlink's target will be externals/<name>/<target>
				"target": "src",
				//directory and link_name of symlink
				"link": "src/lib/amd-utils"
		"name": "dojo",
		"url": "git://github.com/dojo/dojo.git",
		"commit": "1.8.2",
		"symlinks": [
				"link": "src/lib/dojo"
		"name": "deferreds.js",
		"url": "git://github.com/zship/deferreds.js.git",
		"symlinks": [
				"link": "src/lib/deferreds"

Running gitdeps in a git repository's root will:

  1. Remove submodules not referenced in .gitdeps
  2. Add submodules referenced in .gitdeps but not existing in the repository
  3. Update all submodules' HEADs to point to the "commit" specified in .gitdeps
  4. Clean up orphaned symlinks from previous runs