The NVIB Python package containing the NVIB layer, KL divergence loss functions and the Denoising attention module. This is the package for the paper A Variational AutoEncoder for Transformers with Nonparametric Variational Information Bottleneck
Please cite the original authors for their work in any publication(s) that uses this work:
author = {James Henderson and Fabio Fehr},
title = {{A VAE for Transformers with Nonparametric Variational Information Bottleneck}},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations},
The NVIB project containing the NVIB layer, KL divergence loss functions and the Denoising attention module.
- Python 3.9
- PyTorch 1.10.0
- math
Clone this repository. Activate your environment and install this package locally into your environment:
git clone https://gitlab.idiap.ch/ffehr/nvib.git
pip install nvib/.
Development is ongoing and soon to have implementations for:
- Denoising attention for multihead attention
- Implicit reparamerisation gradients
- KL divergence functions are methods of the NVIB layer class
- Initialisations
- Update to Pytorch.1.13.0
Import the package and its components
from nvib.nvib_layer import Nvib
from nvib.kl import kl_gaussian, kl_dirichlet
from nvib.denoising_attention import DenoisingMultiheadAttention
For running the following examples:
# For examples
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
Ns, Nt, B, H = 10, 6, 2, 512
number_samples = 3
encoder_output = torch.rand(Ns,B,H)
src_key_padding_mask = torch.zeros((B,Ns),dtype=bool)
tgt = torch.rand(Nt,B,H)
tgt_key_padding_mask = torch.zeros((B,Nt),dtype=bool)
memory_key_padding_mask = torch.zeros((number_samples,Ns),dtype=bool)
device = "cpu"
Initialise the NVIB layer (Source length = N_s, embedding size = H, Batch size = B).
- size_in The embedding size input
- size_out The embedding size output (typically the same)
- prior_mu Prior for Gaussian means \mu^p
- prior_var Prior for Gaussian variance (\sigma^2)^p
- prior_alpha Prior for Dirichlet psuedo-counts \alpha_0^p
- delta Conditional prior \alpha^\Delta - Proportion of vectors you would like to retain
- kappa Number of samples per component \kappa^\Delta
Note: The output size in training will always be (N_s+1) \times \kappa^\Delta as it includes the prior (+1) and does \kappa^\Delta samples in training. At evaluation time we only use the means and thus only N_s+1.
nvib_layer = Nvib(size_in=H,
Run the forward of the layer with encoder_output size (N_s, B, H) and boolean mask size (B, N_s) where True masks the token.
latent_dict = nvib_layer(encoder_output, src_key_padding_mask)
The dictionary returned is of the form:
where z is a tuple containing (z, pi, mu, logvar) variables. This tuple is what is passed to the DenoisingMultiheadAttention forward function such that it may access the parameters.
- The z within the tuple is the Gaussian component vectors. ((N_s+1) \times \kappa^\Delta, B, H)
- alpha is the psuedo-counts. ((N_s+1) \times \kappa^\Delta, B, 1)
- pi is the Dirichlet probability reparameterised from psuedo-counts ((N_s+1) \times \kappa^\Delta, B, 1)
- mu is the means of the Gaussian components. ((N_s+1) \times \kappa^\Delta, B, H)
- logvar is the logged variance of the Gaussian components. ((N_s+1) \times \kappa^\Delta, B, H)
- memory_key_padding_mask is the encoders boolean attention mask. (B, (N_s+1) \times \kappa^\Delta)
- avg_num_vec is the number of non-zero psuedo-counts averaged over the batch (used for logging)
- avg_prop_vec is the proportion of non-zero psuedo-counts averaged over the batch (used for logging)
- avg_alpha0 is the sum of psuedo-counts used averaged over the batch (used for logging)
sampling can be done as follows with integer number_samples (seen as a batch size) and boolean mask size (B, N_s) where True masks the token. This mask is made with N_s being the largest size you wish to sample and lengths can predetermined by the user.
z = nvib_layer.sample(number_samples, memory_key_padding_mask, device)
This duplicates and augments the multi_head_attention_forward function and multi_head_attention class from Pytorch.
Initialise the Transformer decoder: Note: nhead = 1
decoder_layer = nn.TransformerDecoderLayer(d_model=H,
transformer_decoder = nn.TransformerDecoder(decoder_layer,
Set each layer which interfaces encoder and decoder to Denoising Attention:
for layer_num, layer in enumerate(transformer_decoder.layers):
layer.multihead_attn = DenoisingMultiheadAttention(embed_dim=H,
Now the forward for this decoder: Note: It assumes keys and values from the encoder output are a tuple (z, pi, mu, logvar) where the z within the tuple was the original input.
output = transformer_decoder(tgt=tgt,
Simple implementation for KL divergence between univariate Gaussians tensors augmented with weights from our psuedo-counts \alpha (see paper for more details). Note: Remember to set the priors here.
kl_g = kl_gaussian(**latent_dict, prior_mu=0, prior_var=1, kappa=1)
where mu, logvar, alpha and the memory_key_padding_mask come from NVIB layer latent dict and priors and number of samples \kappa^\Delta are set. The output is a KL loss of dimension (B).
The KL divergence between Dirichlet components (see paper for more details).
kl_d = kl_dirichlet(**latent_dict, prior_alpha=1, delta=1, kappa=1)
where alpha and the memory_key_padding_mask come from NVIB layer latent dict and priors and number of samples \kappa^\Delta are set. The output is a KL loss of dimension (B).
├── nvib
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── denoising_attention.py
│ ├── kl.py
│ └── nvib_layer.py
├── README.rst
└── setup.py
For questions or reporting issues to this software package, kindly contact the second author.