This image is the kafka base. It comes from alpine-jvm8.
docker build -t rawmind/alpine-kafka:<version> .
This image runs kafka with monit. Kafka is started with user and group "kafka".
Besides, you can customize the configuration in several ways:
kafka is installed with the default configuration and some parameters can be overrided with env variables:
- KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS=${JVMFLAGS:-"-Xmx1G -Xms1G"} # Kafka memory value
- KAFKA_ADVERTISE_PORT=${KAFKA_ADVERTISE_PORT:-"9092"} # Port to advertise
- KAFKA_DELETE_TOPICS=${KAFKA_DELETE_TOPICS:-"false"} # Enable kafka delete topics
- KAFKA_LOG_DIRS=${KAFKA_LOG_DIRS:-"${SERVICE_HOME}/logs"} # Log directories.
- KAFKA_NUM_PARTITIONS=${KAFKA_NUM_PARTITIONS:-"1"} # Number of partitions
- KAFKA_ZK_HOST=${KAFKA_ZK_HOST:-""} # Zk host
- KAFKA_ZK_PORT=${KAFKA_ZK_PORT:-"2181"} # Zk port
- KAFKA_EXT_IP=${KAFKA_EXT_IP:-""} # Advertise external ip or name if value != ""
Kafka is installed under /opt/kafka and make use of /opt/kafka/config/
You can edit this files in order customize configuration
You could also include FROM rawmind/alpine-kafka at the top of your Dockerfile, and add your custom config.
If you are running it in rancher, you could run rancher-kafka as a sidekick to get dynamic configuration.
If you are running it in k8s, you could run k8s-kafka at the same pod to get dynamic configuration.
See rancher-example, that run kafka in a rancher system with dynamic configuration.