We will deploy the following
- A Java 8 webapp that uses the Vert.x framework
- A container that runs MySQL with a persistent volume
- A kubernetes cluster that uses secrets, volumes, deployments, and services
Build the fat jar that will be copied into a docker container
gradle stage
Build the docker container
docker build -t zcorp-api:v1 zcorp-api/
Launch Minikube (a local kubernetes cluster)
minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve
Allow local Docker access
eval $(minikube docker-env)
Add secrets to cluster
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/secrets/
Add storage to cluster
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/volumes/
Deploy the service
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/services/
Deploy the pods
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployments/
Verify the service is working
minikube service zcorp
If the service is running it will return
"env": "k8-zcorp",
"now": "the current timestamp"
Verify the database is connected by visiting /healthz
If connected it will return
"database": 1
Figure out a way to make minikube serve ingress on a different IP than the cluster IP
so that the self signed certificate is presented instead of minikube temp cert
Verify SSL certificate setup using ingress
You must add ingress support to minikube
minikube addons enable ingress
Deploy ingress
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ingress/