
Responsive sports trivia app built with CSS3 and Javascript. Save high scores in local storage.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sports Trivia

Sports trivia app that is built with modern javascript, css3, html5, local storage

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Take Aways

Create a Top 5 Scores in local storage

PUSH: Inside of the saveHighScore function, create a score object and push the new score to the highScores array.

const score = {
    score: mostRecentScore,
    name: username.value

SORT: Passing the arrow function (a, b) => b - a tells .sort() to sort in ascending order.

.sort((a,b) => b.score - a.score);

SPLICE: Splicing at the 5th index cuts off all other scores after the 5th number.


UPDATE: setItem takes in a keyName and a keyValue. Since localStorage only operates with strings, you have to use JSON.stringify to change the score to a string.

localStorage.setItem("highscores", JSON.stringify(highScores));


I chose not to use Bootstrap for this project and focus more attention to CSS3. Some of my functions might have taken longer than I would have liked, but I learned how to create a progress bar with Javascript and CSS.

I created progressBarFull inside the progressBar parent div. By taking the questionCounter dividing by the MAX_QUESTIONS and multiplying it by 100, I am able to dynamically change the width of the progressBarFull. This is cool, because as I add more and more questions, I don't have to adjust the bar as I would if I had just hard coded the progress bar.

progressBarFull.style.width = `${(questionCounter / MAX_QUESTIONS) * 100}%`;

Spinning Loader

This was a fun challenge. All in the CSS file, I used the CSS to style the loader and the @keyframe & animation tags to make the loader spin.

animation: spin 2s linear infinite;

I created a border then add animation linear infine so that it makes a loop every 2 seconds. Using the @keyframe spin tag allows you take control how full of a rotation it can make.

@keyframes spin {
    0% {
        transform: rotate(0deg);
    100% {
        transform: rotate(360deg);