
This repo holds the code, dataset, and running scripts for fast k-means evaluation

Primary LanguageJava

drawing Evaluation of Fast k-means


This repo holds the source code and scripts for reproducing the key experiments of fast k-means evaluation. We also upload an exemplar dataset that you can play with in the folder "dataset".

Download our technical report here: https://github.com/tgbnhy/fast-kmeans/blob/master/unik-tr.pdf


  1. If you run in Eclipse, just go to "edu.nyu.unik.expriments.kmeansEfficiency", and click the "run configuration", creat a new java application, and fill the following parameters:
./dataset/europediff_169300_2.txt 10 169300 a euro 0 1

There are six parameters:

arg[0] is the dataset file that you want to cluster
arg[1] is the number of clusters (k)
arg[2] is the number of points in the datafile which will be clustered (|D|)
arg[4] is the name of dataset to distinguish
arg[5] is the start dimension (column) in the dataset file
arg[6] is the end dimension (column) in the dataset file

Then, all the results will be recorded into the log files under the "logs" folder.

You can evaluate the index methods in a similar way, but change to the class "edu.nyu.unik.expriments.kmeansEfficiencyIndex", then it will run over the same dataset, and generate different log files.

  1. If you want to run from commands (recommended):
mvn clean package

A file "torch-clus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" will be generated under folder "target".

 java -Xmx16192M -cp ./target/torch-clus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar edu.nyu.unik.expriments.kmeansEfficiency ./dataset/europediff_169300_2.txt 10 169300 a euro 0 1


You can open and run our "Utune/utune.ipynb" and observe the precision based on various ML models.

Compared algorithms

We compared the following algorithms:

Algorithm Paper Year
Lloyd Least squares quantization in PCM 1987
Ball-tree The Anchors Hierarchy: Using the Triangle Inequality to Survive High Dimensional Data 2000
kd-tree An efficient k-means clustering algorithm: Analysis and implementation 2002
Elkan Using the triangle inequality to accelerate k-means 2003
Hamerly Making k-means even faster 2010
Drake Accelerated k-means with adaptive distance bounds 2012
Annulus Faster k-means Clustering (Master thesis) 2013
Search Scalable K-Means by ranked retrieval 2014
Yinyang Yinyang K-Means: A Drop-In Replacement of the Classic K-Means with Consistent Speedup 2015
Heap Accelerating Lloyd’s Algorithm for k-Means Clustering 2015
Expo Fast k-means with accurate bounds 2016
Drift Geometric methods to accelerate k -means algorithms 2016
Vector Speeding up k -means by approximating Euclidean distances via block vectors 2016
Regroup Two Modifications of Yinyang K-means Algorithm 2017
Cover-tree A Dual-Tree Algorithm for Fast k-means Clustering With Large k 2017
Pami20 A Fast Adaptive k-means with No Bounds 2020


Any dataset with csv format can be clustered, just need to specify the columns that have numeric values. For example, you can download some datasets from UCI (https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.php), and put into the "dataset" folder.

Dataset link Dimension
BigCross https://s3.amazonaws.com/h2o-training/clustering/BigCross.data.gz 57
Conflong http://networkrepository.com/ConfLongDemo-JSI.php 3
Covtype https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/covertype 55
Europe http://cs.joensuu.fi/sipu/datasets/europediff.txt 2
KeggDirect https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/KEGG+Metabolic+Relation+Network+(Directed) 24
KeggUndirect https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/KEGG+Metabolic+Reaction+Network+(Undirected) 29
NYC-Taxi https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CH_FPB4deDVFm_zDvyya5YMbFBOOz7Bn 2
Skin https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/skin+segmentation 4
Power https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Individual+household+electric+power+consumption 9
RoadNetwork https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/3D+Road+Network+(North+Jutland,+Denmark) 4
US-Census https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/census1990-mld/ 68
Mnist http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/ 784

Results Interpretation

Log files

In the log file, according to the name, you can go to check multiple metrics we use. For example, in "logs/vldb_log1/euro_169300_2_10_BallMetric_30.log", you can see multiple lines. In each line, we present multiple sequential methods' corresponding performance. The first line shows the overall running time, for the other lines, please check class "kmeansAlgorihtm" function "writelogs" to see the metric if you are intereted in. For all the methods we tested, you can check function testExisting and function testIndex to see the full names.

When you evaluate the index methods, you can find newly generated log files: "euro_169300_2_30_index.log" which compares the construction time, and "euro_169300_2_10_30_clustering.log" which compares the clustering time.


After you run the command, you will also observe logs from the terminal. It mainly shows the running time of each iteration calling various methods.


If you use our code for research work, please cite our paper as below:

  title={On the Efficiency of {K}-Means Clustering: Evaluation, Optimization, and Algorithm Selection},
  author={Wang, Sheng and Sun, Yuan and Bao, Zhifeng},