Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Implement Genetic Algorithm on Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, Recharging Stations and other Constraints

Code Structure

  • main.py: run this will start the genetic algorithm directly, before this you may take a look at the parameter statement; also, if you want to restart the algorithm please delete all controller.pkl and nature*.pkl in save_dir
  • test.py: read the best route from save_dir and present it
  • data: store the data, include input_distance-time.csv, input_node.xlsx and input_vehicle_type.xlsx, the output will also be put here by default
  • tools: include several tools used in this programme
    • data_taker.py: take data from data folder
    • global_map.py: contain all information in the map that can be obtained through several interface
    • macosFile: store big data by pickle
  • PGA: include modules in genetic algorithm
    • controller.py: global controller
    • nature.py: nature, where chromosome in
    • chromo.py: chromosome, where route(gene) in
    • route.py: route(gene)
    • constant.py: all constant used in genetic algorithm

Parameter Statement

Here only introduce the parameters in main.py, not parameters in PGA/constant.py.

  • load: whether load controller (and natures) from save_dir
  • save: whether save controller (and natures) to save_dir
  • generation_num: generation num, setting it large is ok, cause main.py will store the calculation process each 10 generation (in save_dir if save == True)
  • chromo_num: chromo number in each nature, if too small may lead to early convergence, if too large may need more time to calculate
  • _punish: punish parameter, if too big may weaken the influence of mutation, if too small may raise too much punishment
  • nature_num: nature number, each nature will operate in one subprocess, don't set it larger than the number of CPU kernels (or it may become really slow)
  • punish_increase: punish parameter times this number every 10 generation, if too big may weaken the influence of mutation
  • save_dir: relative direction to save and load controller (and natures), default is data/ (if you change this, please also change save_dir in test.py)
  • read_dir: relative direction to read the input data, default is data/