
Use Prisma Data Proxy in serverless env, like Windmill, Tencent SCF , AWS Lambda etc.

What's Prisma Data Proxy?

Serverless functions are ephemeral and short-lived, so their database connections are numerous and brief. Because of this, using traditional databases in serverless environments often leads to the exhaustion of the maximum number of concurrent database connections and increased latencies when each request needs to establish a database connection.

The Data Proxy in Prisma Data Platform provides database connection management and pooling, load balancing, scaling, and fault tolerance so that you can manage and scale database connections for applications that run with Prisma ORM in serverless environments. With the Data Proxy, your application can scale and maintain predictable database performance because it also limits the total number of database connections.

Designed specifically with serverless functions in mind, the Data Proxy provides a wide range of benefits for applications that run in serverless and edge environments.


  1. Self-hosted - Low Latency
  2. Out-of-the-box GitHub Action
  3. Support Prisma 5.x.x

Quick Start

Boot Order
DB => Migrate DB    => Data-Proxy => Deno
   => HTTPS Portal

Start Docker Compose

docker compose -f "docker-compose-prod.yml" up -d --build

Check Logs

sh <<EOF

echo "==== Prisma Migrate DB ===="
docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml logs migrate-db

echo "==== Prisma Data Proxy ===="
docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml logs data-proxy

echo "==== Deno LOG ===="
docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml logs deno

echo "==== TCP DUMP ===="
docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml logs -f tcpdump


If tcpdump not capture the http content, you can rerun the deno container.

docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml start deno


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Change Prisma Schema and push them to github
  3. The Github Action will auto build
  4. Deploy The Prisma Data Proxy
  5. If you use NodeJS, please ref the official docs. Passing the prisma://your_domain/?api_key=custometoken to Prisma Client is all right.
  6. Connect to Prisma Data Proxy with Deno.
import {
} from ""; // Change to your deno client


type PrismaDataProxy = {
  url: string;

export async function main(
  prismaDataProxy: PrismaDataProxy,
) {
  const prisma = new PrismaClient({
    datasources: { db: { url: prismaDataProxy.url } }
  const createUser = await prisma.user.create({
    data: {
      email: "",
      name: "123",

  const fetchUser = await prisma.user.findMany();


import {
} from ""; // Change to your deno client

export async function main() {

  const prisma = new PrismaClient();
  const createUser = await prisma.user.create({
    data: {
      email: "",
      name: "123",

  const fetchUser = await prisma.user.findMany();


  1. Change the Prisma Schema - prisma/schema.prisma
  2. Build Client, Makefile - make-client
  3. Build Image
  4. Prepare TLS for prisma data proxy. You may need reverse proxy, like Caddy, Nginx, Apache APISIX .etc.
  5. Start Migrate DB - Check the database version first and migrate to latest version.
  6. Start Prisma Data Proxy - Accept the Prisma Client Requests. Pass the env what you need.
  7. Use Special Link prisma://domain/?api_key=custometoken to connect the Prisma Data Proxy. The Prisma Edge Client will send the https request to the Prisma Data Proxy.

Detail Flow

graph LR;
    A[Prisma Edge Client] -->|"Send GraphQL - TLS"| B[Prisma Data Proxy - Wrapper] -->|"Forward
 The GraphQL Request"| C(Prisma Query Engine) --> D[DB]

Prisma Edge Client - Deno

Prisma Client Edge does not support some Prisma features. Like metrics. That means we need to remove the unsupported features when we build the client. See detail in makefile.

Deno Client needs to rebuild on each Prisma schema version. And push them to S3.

  1. Write the Prisma Schema.

  2. Build the Deno Client base on the schema. deno run -A --unstable "npm:prisma@${PRISMA_VERSION}" generate --data-proxy --schema=prisma/deno/schema.prisma

  3. Send GraphQL To Prisma Data Proxy - HTTPS Connect


Prisma Data Proxy

  1. Prisma Data Proxy starts a Prisma Query Engine base on config. Make it listen on the specific port.
/app/query-engine --datamodel-path ./prisma/schema.prisma --host --enable-playground --port 4467 --enable-raw-queries --enable-metrics --dataproxy-metric-override --enable-telemetry-in-response
  1. Prisma Query Engine will parse the Prisma schema and builds the GraphQL schema.

  2. Prisma Data Proxy will accept requests from the Prisma Edge Client.It will check the requested permission. Then forward the request to Prisma Query Engine.

  3. Configuration

Prisma Query Engine

Accept the request - GraphQL from Prisma Data Proxy. Query DB and return data.

prisam-data-proxy-prisma-data-proxy-6bdfcfb6f5-pkwfp:/app# ./query-engine -h
query-engine 4bc8b6e1b66cb932731fb1bdbbc550d1e010de81

    query-engine [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

    -d, --debug                           Enables server debug features
    -m, --enable-metrics                  Enables the metrics endpoints
        --enable-open-telemetry           Enable OpenTelemetry streaming from requests
    -g, --enable-playground               Enables the GraphQL playground
    -r, --enable-raw-queries              Enables raw SQL queries with executeRaw/queryRaw mutation
        --enable-telemetry-in-response    Enable tracer to capture logs and traces and return in the response
    -h, --help                            Prints help information
    -o, --log-queries                     Enable query logging [env: LOG_QUERIES=y]
    -V, --version                         Prints version information

        --datamodel <datamodel>                                Base64 encoded Prisma datamodel [env: PRISMA_DML=]
        --datamodel-path <datamodel-path>                      Path to the Prisma datamodel file [env: PRISMA_DML_PATH=]
        --engine-protocol <engine-protocol>
            The protocol the Query Engine will used. Affects mostly the request and response format [env:
    -H, --host <host>
            The hostname or IP the query engine should bind to [default:]

        --log-format <log-format>                              Set the log format [env: RUST_LOG_FORMAT=]
        --open-telemetry-endpoint <open-telemetry-endpoint>
            The url to the OpenTelemetry collector. Enabling this will send the OpenTelemtry tracing to a collector and
            not via our custom stdout tracer [default: ]
        --overwrite-datasources <overwrite-datasources>
            Base64 encoded datasource urls, overwriting the ones in the schema [env: OVERWRITE_DATASOURCES=]

    -p, --port <port>                                          The port the query engine should bind to [default: 4466]
    -u, --unix-path <unix-path>                                The unix socket path to listen on [env: UNIX_PATH=]

    cli     Doesn't start a server, but allows running specific commands against Prisma
    help    Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

Prisma Migration Engine

The Prisma Migration Engine binary is not good for users. So I build another Nodejs image to migrate and track the database.

prisam-data-proxy-prisma-data-proxy-6bdfcfb6f5-pkwfp:/app# ./migration-engine -h
schema-engine-cli 4bc8b6e1b66cb932731fb1bdbbc550d1e010de81
When no subcommand is specified, the schema engine will default to starting as a JSON-RPC server over stdio

    migration-engine [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -d, --datamodel <FILE>    Path to the datamodel

    cli     Doesn't start a server, but allows running specific commands against Prisma
    help    Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

K8S Deployment

  1. Check the database version first and migrate to latest version.

Init Container - init-db-migrate-deploy

  1. Start Prisma Data Proxy

Main Container - prisma-data-proxy

  - name: init-db-migrate-deploy // Check the database version first and migrate to latest version.
    image: "{{ .Values.migrate_image.repository }}:{{ .Values.migrate_image.tag | default .Chart.AppVersion }}"
      {{- range }}
      - name: {{ .name }}
        value: "{{ .value }}"
      {{- end }}
  - name: {{ .Chart.Name }} // Start Prisma Data Proxy
    image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag | default .Chart.AppVersion }}"


Prisma Query Engine export metrics about performance.

Fetch the query engine port and path /metrics.

# HELP prisma_client_queries_total Total number of Prisma Client queries executed
# TYPE prisma_client_queries_total counter
prisma_client_queries_total 442

# HELP prisma_datasource_queries_total Total number of Datasource Queries executed
# TYPE prisma_datasource_queries_total counter
prisma_datasource_queries_total 1780

# HELP prisma_pool_connections_closed_total Total number of Pool Connections closed
# TYPE prisma_pool_connections_closed_total counter
prisma_pool_connections_closed_total 9

# HELP prisma_pool_connections_open Number of currently open Pool Connections
# TYPE prisma_pool_connections_open counter
prisma_pool_connections_open 11

# HELP prisma_client_queries_active Number of currently active Prisma Client queries
# TYPE prisma_client_queries_active gauge
prisma_client_queries_active 0

# HELP prisma_client_queries_wait Number of queries currently waiting for a connection
# TYPE prisma_client_queries_wait gauge
prisma_client_queries_wait 0

# HELP prisma_pool_connections_busy Number of currently busy Pool Connections (executing a database query)
# TYPE prisma_pool_connections_busy gauge
prisma_pool_connections_busy 0

# HELP prisma_pool_connections_idle Number of currently unused Pool Connections (waiting for the next pool query to run)
# TYPE prisma_pool_connections_idle gauge
prisma_pool_connections_idle 17

# HELP prisma_pool_connections_open Number of currently open Pool Connections
# TYPE prisma_pool_connections_open gauge
prisma_pool_connections_open -9

# HELP prisma_pool_connections_opened_total Total number of Pool Connections opened
# TYPE prisma_pool_connections_opened_total gauge
prisma_pool_connections_opened_total 11

# HELP prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms Histogram of the duration of all executed Prisma Client queries in ms
# TYPE prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms histogram
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="0"} 0
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="1"} 0
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="5"} 11
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="10"} 202
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="50"} 442
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="100"} 442
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="500"} 442
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="1000"} 442
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="5000"} 442
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="50000"} 442
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="+Inf"} 442
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_sum 5000.248393
prisma_client_queries_duration_histogram_ms_count 442

# HELP prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms Histogram of the wait time of all queries in ms
# TYPE prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms histogram
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_bucket{le="0"} 0
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_bucket{le="1"} 53
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_bucket{le="5"} 53
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_bucket{le="10"} 53
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_bucket{le="50"} 53
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_bucket{le="100"} 53
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_bucket{le="500"} 53
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_bucket{le="1000"} 53
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_bucket{le="5000"} 53
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_bucket{le="50000"} 53
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_bucket{le="+Inf"} 53
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_sum 0.28805
prisma_client_queries_wait_histogram_ms_count 53

# HELP prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms Histogram of the duration of all executed Datasource Queries in ms
# TYPE prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms histogram
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="0"} 0
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="1"} 76
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="5"} 1717
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="10"} 1763
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="50"} 1780
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="100"} 1780
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="500"} 1780
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="1000"} 1780
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="5000"} 1780
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="50000"} 1780
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_bucket{le="+Inf"} 1780
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_sum 3760.415455000001
prisma_datasource_queries_duration_histogram_ms_count 1780