QMVC - Quad Mean Value Coordinates
Reference implementation of the research paper: Mean value coordinates for quad cages in 3D, Jean-Marc Thiery, Pooran Memari and Tamy Boubekeur, ACM Transactions on Graphics - Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2018
This repository contains:
- QMVC/coordinates, a set (header-only) methods to compute popular space coordinates, including
- Green Coordinates (GC),
- Mean Value Coordinates (MVC),
- Spherical Mean Value Coordinates (SMVC),
- maximum Entropy coordinates (MEC),
- our Quad Mean Value Coordinates (QMVC),
- QMVC/viewer, an interactive 3D viewer allowing to
- compute the projection of a mesh within the space coordinates of a cage
- deform the the mesh using the cage
- QMVC/data, a data set of 3D models (OBJ format) with, for each model
- the high-poly input mesh
- a coarse binding cage
- a deformation of this cage.
Copyright(C) 2018 Jean-Marc Thiery, Pooran Memari and Tamy Boubekeur
Release Notes
Dry push of the paper's reference implementation. Future releases will be cleaner and easier to deploy.
Viewer's dependencies:
- Qt5.5.1 or more recent
- libQGLViewer-2.6.1 or more recent
- GLEW 2.0 or more recent
Adapt the content of the file viewer/QMVCViewer.pro to your setting e.g., path to libGLViewer
This application has been tested successfully on Linux Ubuntu and MS Windows 10.
To compile it on Linux:
$ cd <path-to-QMVC>/viewer
$ qmake
$ make
On Linux:
$ cd <path-to-QMVC>/viewer
$ ./QMVCViewer
CTRL+Double-left-click opens the controls to load the mesh, the cage, bind them and deform them.
Data set
A set of example models, taken from the paper, is provided in the data direction. See data/README.md for details.
Enabling specific coordinates
At the beginning of CageManipInterface.h you will see the following lines: #define ALLOW_TRI_MVC #define ALLOW_QMVC #define ALLOW_QMVC_MEC // DO NOT COMPUTE QMVC_MEC IF YOU DO NOT COMPUTE QMVC !!!! #define ALLOW_SMVC #define ALLOW_GC
Simply comment the corresponding lines if you do not want to compute the coordinates. By defaults, MVC, QMVC and GC are computed.
QMVC computation usage
See and example of computation of QMVC in viewer/CageManipInterface.h, in the function: computeQMVCCoordinates()
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Please cite the following paper in case you are using this code:
Mean value coordinates for quad cages in 3D Jean-Marc Thiery, Pooran Memari and Tamy Boubekeur. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPh Asia 2018), art. 29, 2018
This project is licensed under a GNU-GPL license - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.