
Find the Pairs Game (Day 7 of My Challenge)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Day 7 of My of My 3 Weeks Game Challenge

Today's game is a lovely memory game, "Find the Pairs". It's very simple - you turn over one card and then try to find its matching pair.

You can choose from different sizes of boards and there are also different categories. It uses some FontAwesome's awesome fonts, and was built using Jade, Sass and vanilla JS only.

If you liked this game, you can check out some of the other ones from my 3 weeks game challenge.

User Stories

  • I can choose from different size of boards
  • Cards should be shuffled on start
  • I can click on a card and have an image to pop up
  • I can click on another card so I can check if they match
  • Non matching cards should be turned back
  • Matching cards should not be turned back
  • I can click on a card that was clicked before so I can try to match it again
  • I can see the number of clicks it took me to win the game
  • I can click a button to start a new game

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