
Swift workshop sample app

Primary LanguageSwift


By building this sample app, we will go through 3 ways of adding machine learning to your apps:

  1. [master] Core ML to classify scene detection from an image
  2. [add-face-detection] Vision to perform face detection in an image
  3. [add-facial-expression-classification] coremltools + Core ML to use a custom machine learning model for facial expression recognition from an image

Each of these parts of the sample app correspond to a branch in this repository

🚨 If you are debugging in the simulator instead of on an iOS11 device:

in the takePhoto function, change the imagePickerController's sourceType to .photoLibrary 🚨

Part 1 - Using Core ML to classify scene from image

  1. Make sure you're on the master branch. If not,

    git checkout master

  2. Download GoogLeNetPlaces.mlmodel: a machine learning model that can be used to detect the scene of an image from 205 categories


    Scroll down to Places205-GoogleNet section

    Click Download Core ML File

  3. Import GoogLeNetPlaces.mlmodel

    Drag GoogLeNetPlaces.mlmodel from Downloads folder into the DailyMemories Xcode project

  4. Ensure GoogLeNetPlaces.mlmodel's Target Membership is DailyMemories

    In Xcode, select GoogLeNetPlaces.mlmodel

    In the Utilities FileInspector on the right panel, make sure DailyMemories is selected

  5. In ViewController.swift, starting in classifyScene method, fill in 1-5 where // YOUR CODE GOES HERE appears

Part 2 - Using Vision to perform face detection in an image

  1. git checkout add-face-detection

  2. In ViewController.swift, starting in classifySceneAndDetectFace method, fill in 1-3 where // YOUR CODE GOES HERE appears

Part 3 - Using a custom machine learning model for facial expression recognition from an image

Building off of the face detection, we are going to try to classify the facial expression of the face that was detected.

Facial expression classification uses a machine learning model where:

input = cropped image of face

output = facial expression (e.g. “Angry”, “Happy”, etc)

Where do we get a Facial Expression Classification model?

  • Not included in Apple’s .mlmodel offerings

  • Need to use custom model and convert it to .mlmodel

    Follow README in https://github.com/meghaphone/emotion-recognition-mlmodel

    At the end, you should have a EmotiClassifier.mlmodel locally (in your workspace's emotion-recognition-mlmodel folder

  1. git checkout add-facial-expression-classification
  2. Drag EmotiClassifier.mlmodel into Xcode project
  3. Open EmotiClassifier.mlmodel and check DailyMemories to be included in Target Membership
  4. In ViewController.swift, starting in classifyFacialExpressionmethod, fill in 1-5 where // YOUR CODE GOES HERE appears