Notes for:

Solidity smart contracts with Go tooling Runs Geth in dev mode.

Use makefile for dependencies. make dev.setup Spin up a local env make geth-up

All config goes into /zarf

make geth-attach To open up JS console environment for making geth related API calls. For example eth.getBalance("0x6327A38415C53FFb36c11db55Ea74cc9cB4976Fd") should give you the balance of the Coinbase account.

make geth-deposit to send eth to a few other accounts defined in zarf/keystore



public Items map (string -> uint256)

Can't iterate over maps - it would be costly. Use events - get it from tx receipt.

event ItemSet(string key, uint256 value);

*Hacky - can we store immutable data in the event itself so we save gas?

Generate abi and bin: make basic-build Creates a Golang package that we can use to deploy / interact with the smart contract.

make basic-deploy

% make basic-deploy
CGO_ENABLED=0 go run app/basic/cmd/deploy/main.go

Input Values
fromAddress: 0x6327A38415C53FFb36c11db55Ea74cc9cB4976Fd
oneETHToUSD: 1487.5944560205614
oneUSDToETH: 0.0006722262213016597

Transaction Details
hash            : 0xbd6dfb42bfe29c9f5ed60c1665172b78b8e810409f316d0c3f9feb4d33dbcf10
nonce           : 1
gas limit       : 1600000
gas offer price : 0.875000001 GWei
value           : 0 GWei
max gas price   : 1400000.002 GWei
max gas price   : 2.08 USD

Contract Details
contract id     : 0x6dB8BD2Fd59009cF8aBB62D0883B5c200333666A

Waiting Logs
t=2023-02-13T21:46:49+0200 lvl=trce msg="Handled RPC response" reqid=6 duration="1.974µs"
t=2023-02-13T21:46:49+0200 lvl=trce msg="Transaction not yet mined" hash=0xbd6dfb42bfe29c9f5ed60c1665172b78b8e810409f316d0c3f9feb4d33dbcf10
t=2023-02-13T21:46:50+0200 lvl=trce msg="Handled RPC response"      reqid=7 duration="1.887µs"

Receipt Details
status          : 1
gas used        : 413926
gas price       : 0.875000001 GWei
gas price       : 0.00 USD
final gas cost  : 362185.2504 GWei
final gas cost  : 0.54 USD

t=2023-02-13T21:46:50+0200 lvl=trce msg="Handled RPC response"      reqid=8 duration="2.162µs"

balance before  : 1.157920892e+68 GWei
balance after   : 1.157920892e+68 GWei
balance diff    : 317077.278 GWei
balance diff    : 0.47 USD

make basic-write

CGO_ENABLED=0 go run app/basic/cmd/write/main.go

Input Values

fromAddress: 0x6327A38415C53FFb36c11db55Ea74cc9cB4976Fd oneETHToUSD: 1490.0230939405994 oneUSDToETH: 0.0006711305375511619 contractID: 0x6dB8BD2Fd59009cF8aBB62D0883B5c200333666A version: 1.1

Transaction Details

hash : 0x71d5f1c1e8689dcf88596f8b5af0867d8a2a2b4097bff5903d1b2f3942f95f0c nonce : 2 gas limit : 250000 gas offer price : 0.766024068 GWei value : 0 GWei max gas price : 191506.017 GWei max gas price : 0.29 USD

Receipt Details

status : 1 gas used : 47789 gas price : 0.766024068 GWei gas price : 0.00 USD final gas cost : 36607.52419 GWei final gas cost : 0.05 USD


ItemSet map[key:bill value:1000000]


balance before : 1.157920892e+68 GWei balance after : 1.157920892e+68 GWei balance diff : 32360.35017 GWei balance diff : 0.05 USD