Netflix Movie Queue

Sometimes it's hard to keep up with your Netflix movie queue. Sometimes, all you need is a Friday night to binge watch Scandal.

We're going to use lists to manipulate our own movie queue.

Open this lab locally. Run learn in terminal to run the tests. Use those tests as a guide to code your solution in

Each of the functions below (except step 3) should have one parameter, a list of movies, which will be altered by the function.

Step 1:

Define a function first_movie that returns the first movie in the queue. This function should accept a list as an argument (the movie queue)

Step 2:

Define a function watch_next_movie that deletes the first movie in the list and returns the modified list. This function should accept an list as an argument (the movie queue).

Step 3:

Define a function add_to_queue that returns the updated list. This function takes two arguments (the list of movies and the movie you want to add to the queue).

Step 4:

Define a function view_queue that uses the each function to iterate over the list of movies. This function should use puts to print out "You will watch [movie name]" for every movie in the list. This function should accept an list as an argument (the movie queue).