
An event-sourced Go eshop demo application

Primary LanguageGo

Go eshop

This project is a small example of implementing an event-sourced e-commerce web application using Go and Postgres. The different parts of the application are meant to be reused for later projects as building blocks.

Local development

Sourcing env variables

Database credentials for local development are defined in the .env.dev file. To source these into your environment, use:

set -o allexport && source .env.dev && set +o allexport

Starting up containers

For local development, you can use the included docker-compose.yaml file to start a Postgres server. The same server will be used to run integration tests, but with randomly generated database names to make it possible to run integration tests concurrently.

First, you'll want to start up the containers:

podman compose up -d

Running migrations

To test the system in a live environment, you'll need to run migrations on the previously started database. The project uses tern to manage migrations. To migrate to the latest version, you can run the following commands:

tern migrate --migrations ./db/migrations  --config ./db/tern.conf

If you ever need to revert a single migration, you can do:

tern migrate -d -1 --migrations ./db/migrations  --config ./db/tern.conf

Generating DB queries

The project uses sqlc to generate type-safe Go code from SQL queries. The query definitions live under db/queries. You can update the generated files by running:

sqlc generate -f ./db/sqlc.yaml

Running tests

The integration tests defined in the project require a running instance of Postgres. Once it is up and running, execute integration tests with:

go test -v ./tests/...