
Silly bot for Vanderbilt Discord server that is constantly evolving to add new jokes.

Primary LanguagePython


PalpatineBot is a Discord bot written in discord.py to perform a variety of functions for the Vanderbilt Class of 2024 Discord Server.


All PalpatineBot commands are prefixed by a . Current commands include:

  • .newprofile to get the link to set up a new Vanderbilt 2024 Discord Profile.
  • .profile to search for a persons profile based off full name or Discord Tag, or to display your own. (e.g. .profile John Doe, .profile @johndoe#1111, .profile)

Typing ~help will list all available commands.

Other Miscellaneous Features

  • Moderation of GroupMe links outside the #groupme channel.
  • Automatic reactions in the #suggestions channel for easy polling.
  • Makes a snarky comment when asked a question.
  • Utilizes random number match to randomly send certain memes in response to trigger terms.

Suggestions & Feedback

Bug reports, suggestions, and other feedback can be raised as issues on this repository. If PalpatineBot goes offline for any reason, message zsphere#8883 on Discord to restart the bot client.


PalpatineBot is in no way official endorsed or licensed by Vanderbilt University or any of its affiliates.