
Startup script for wipy board

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

wipy environment


Some code for the WiPy board, facilitating setup network and running code from the SD card.

Code for the PC simplifies first time setup and later copying data to the WiPy or backing it up.


Assuming the ExpansionBoard (or a similar setup) is present.

  • activate REPL on serial port
  • try to connect to home network (in STA mode), fall back to AP mode if that fails.
  • try to mount the SD card to /sd
  • add /sd/lib to sys.path and execute /sd/main.py on SD card
  • libraies for the WiPy:
    • ulog
    • upathlib

PC tools:

  • a tool to sync files from the PC with the WiPy (via FTP). It can also send the firmware file or backup the WiPy internal flash.
  • an other tool to download firmware images from the internet


The default fallback to AP mode is a security risk as the network name and password may be known (unless they were changed in the source code here)

Installation on WiPy

The wipy-ftp.py tool can be used to upload the files. For first time usage (assuming the WiPy is in AP mode with default settings, PC connected to this AP):

$ python3 wipy-ftp.py install
INFO:root:using ftp
INFO:root:backing up /flash into backup_2015-11-22_12_12_12
INFO:FTP:get /flash/main.py
INFO:FTP:get /flash/boot.py
INFO:FTP:put /flash/boot.py
INFO:FTP:put /flash/main.py
INFO:FTP:makedirs /flash/lib
INFO:FTP:put /flash/lib/expansionboard.py
INFO:FTP:put /flash/lib/upathlib.py
INFO:FTP:put /flash/lib/autoconfig.py
Connect to an access point? [Y/n]: y
Enter SSID: <your SSID>
Enter passphrase: <your password>

The original contents of /flash is backed up in a subdirectory.

WiPy-FTP Tool

wipy-ftp.py is a tool to upload/download files via FTP.

usage: wipy-ftp.py [-h] [-v] [--defaults] [--simulate DESTDIR]
action [path] [destination]

WiPy copy tool

positional arguments:
action Action to execute, try "help" path pathname used for some actions destination target used for some actions
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose show more diagnostic messages
--defaults do not read ini file, use default settings
--ini INI alternate name for settings file (default: wipy-ftp.ini)
--simulate DIR do not access WiPy, put files in given directory instead

For configuration, a file called wipy-ftp.ini should be present. Run "wipy-ftp.py write-ini" to create one. Adapt as needed when connected via router.


Designed for first time / one time usage. It corresponds to running the action backup, sync-top, sync-lib and config-wlan.
Downloads the contents of /flash into a newly created directory. The directory will be named backup_<date>
ls [path]
List directory (on stdout).
cat path
Retrieve path and write it to stdout (binary).
cp local_src remote_dst
Copy a single file from PC to device.
Write mcuimg.bin file to WiPy for firmware upgrade. First download the image using download-mcuimg.py and then run this action to download the firmware to the WiPy.
Recursively copy the device/lib directory to the WiPy. Can be used repeatedly to download updates to the library.
Copies boot.py, main.py to the device.
Create wipy-ftp.ini with default settings.
Ask for SSID/Password and write wlanconfig.py on WiPy.
Ask for host/port settings for remote logging using ulog, writes ulogconfig.py on WiPy.


For configuration, a file called wipy-ftp.ini should be present with the following contents:

server =
user = micro
pass = python

The default file can be created by running wipy-ftp.py write-ini. These settings need to be changed, once the WiPy is connected to an access point.

The option --ini can be used to choose a different filename for the ini file, which may be helpful when working with multiple boards.

Download Tool

The download-mcuimg.py tool downloads the firmware archive and extracts mcuimg.bin. It will search for the latest release on github, unless --latest is given, then it downloads the latest (inofficial) build from micropython.org/downloads.

usage: download-mcuimg.py [-h] [-v] [--latest]

WiPy FW download tool

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose show more diagnostic messages
--latest download latest (inofficial) builds from micropython.org/downloads

Technical Details

The contents of device/flash goes to the WiPy internal flash memory. The contents of device/sd goes onto the SD card.

The WLAN configuration for STA mode are stored in flash/wlanconfig.py on the WiPy. This file is written by the config-wlan action. The security/WPA mode has to be changed in /lib/autoconfig.py, the default is WPA2.

The --simulation can be used to for testing. The option needs to point to an existing local directory. All FTP operations are then simulated using files in that location.


WiPy Pins:

.               _______________
               | HB        RST |
SAFEBOOT  GP28 |               | GP3
          GP22 |               | GP4
S1        GP17 |               | GP0
LED       GP16 |               | GP3   VBATT
SD_DAT0   GP15 |               | GP31
          GP14 |               | GP30
          GP13 |               | GP6   FT_CTS
          GP12 |               | GP7   FT_RTS
SD_CMD    GP11 |               | GP8
          GP24 |               | GP9
          GP23 |               | GP10  SD_CLK
FT_TXD     GP1 |               | +3V3
FT_RXD     GP2 |               | GND
         RESET |               | Vin
                \    #####    /
                 \   #####   /
                  \  #####  /