
Ghidra server for the Twilight Princess Speedrun & Decomp communities

Primary LanguagePython


Please read carefully. This server has been moved to ghidra.decomp.dev.

  • If you already have an account on both ghidra.decomp.dev and ghidra.tpgz.io - sign in with your ghidra.decomp.dev username and password. Your permissions to the project will remain the same.
  • If you only have an account on ghidra.tpgz.io - please sign in using your ghidra.tpgz.io credentials to the new server. The easiest way to do this is to add a new shared project:
    1. File
    2. New Project...
    3. Shared Project
    4. Server Name: ghidra.decomp.dev, Port Number: 13100
    5. Select TwilightPrincess
  • If you don't have an account on either server or if you've forgotten your login credentials - send a DM to encounter on Discord and request an account / credential reset for the TwilightPrincess repo.

TP Community Ghidra Server

Ghidra server automation for the TP Speedrun and Decomp communities.

Adding New Users

To add a new user, open a pull request and update the users.yaml file with the new username and their permissions. The new user will be added upon merge into the main branch.

The password for the new user will be "changeme" and will expire after 24 hours. (We will probably update this process in the future)

Server Info

Please use this information for first logins to the server:

hostname:  ghidra.tpgz.io
port:      13100
username:  <your_username>
password:  changeme


├── README.md        - This README
├── backend.tf       - Terraform backend information for managing state
├── ghidra-server.tf - Ghidra Terraform module
├── manage-users.py  - Python script for managing users
├── requirements.txt - Python dependencies
└── users.yaml       - Ghidra users and permissions