Functional.m is an extension for objective-c, that can be used to do functional programming.
Here's the documentation for the individual functions:
The numberArray NSArray contains a collection of NSNumbers, The dict NSDictionary contains the same collection - the keys are the names of the numbers
NSArray *numberArray = [NSArray arrayFrom:1 To:5];
NSArray *numberNamesArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"one", @"two", @"three", @"four", @"five", nil];
NSDictionary *numberDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:numberArray forKeys:numberNamesArray];
The given iterator runs for each object in the collection.
- (void) each:(VoidIteratorArrayBlock) block;
- (void) each:(VoidIteratorDictBlock) block;
[numberArray each:^(id obj) {
NSLog(@"Current Object : %@", obj);
[numberDict each:^(id key, id value) {
NSLog(@"%@ => %@", key, value);
Each object in the collection can be transformed in the iterator.
- (NSArray *) map:(MapArrayBlock) block;
- (NSDictionary *) map:(MapDictBlock) block;
NSArray *doubleArray = [numberArray map:^NSNumber*(NSNumber *obj) {
return [NSNumber numberWithInt:([obj intValue]*2)];
NSDictionary *doubleDict = [numberDict map:^NSNumber*(id key, NSNumber *obj) {
return [NSNumber numberWithInt:([obj intValue]*2)];
NSLog(@"Double : Array %@ - Dict %@", doubleArray, doubleDict);
Reduces all objects in the collection to a single value (something like computing the average etc.)
- (id) reduce:(ReduceArrayBlock) block withInitialMemo:(id) memo;
- (id) reduce:(ReduceDictBlock) block withInitialMemo:(id) memo;
Example - adds all NSNumbers in the array or dictionary.
NSNumber *memo = [NSNumber numberWithInt:0];
NSNumber *sumArray = [numberArray reduce:^NSNumber*(NSNumber *memo, NSNumber *cur) {
return [NSNumber numberWithInt:([memo intValue] + [cur intValue])];
} withInitialMemo:memo];
NSNumber *sumDict = [numberDict reduce:^NSNumber*(NSNumber *memo, id key, NSNumber *cur) {
return [NSNumber numberWithInt:([memo intValue] + [cur intValue])];
} withInitialMemo:memo];
NSLog(@"Sum : Array %@ - Dict %@", sumArray, sumDict);
##filter and reject
gives you only those objects, for that the iterator returns true. Reject
removes all objects for that the iterator returns true.
- (NSArray *) filter:(BoolArrayBlock) block;
- (NSArray *) reject:(BoolArrayBlock) block;
- (NSDictionary*) filter:(BoolDictionaryBlock) block;
- (NSDictionary*) reject:(BoolDictionaryBlock) block;
This example gives you all even (filter) or odd (reject) numbers in the array / dict:
BoolArrayBlock isEvenArrayBlock = ^BOOL(NSNumber *obj) {
return (([obj intValue] % 2) == 0);
BoolDictionaryBlock isEvenDictBlock = ^BOOL(id key, NSNumber *obj) {
return (([obj intValue] % 2) == 0);
NSArray *evenArr = [numberArray filter:isEvenArrayBlock];
NSDictionary *evenDict = [numberDict filter:isEvenDictBlock];
NSLog(@"The following elements are even : Array %@ - Dict %@", evenArr, evenDict);
#pragma mark - reject
NSArray *oddArr = [numberArray reject:isEvenArrayBlock];
NSDictionary *oddDict = [numberDict reject:isEvenDictBlock];
NSLog(@"The following elements are odd : Array %@ - Dict %@", oddArr, oddDict);
##isValidForAll and isValidForAny
returns YES if the iterator returns YES for all elements in the collection. isValidForAny
returns YES if the iterator returns YES for at least one object in the collection.
- (BOOL) isValidForAll:(BoolArrayBlock) block;
- (BOOL) isValidForAny:(BoolArrayBlock) block;
- (BOOL) isValidForAll:(BoolDictionaryBlock) block;
- (BOOL) isValidForAny:(BoolDictionaryBlock) block;
This example checks if all or any elements in the collection are even numbers
BoolArrayBlock isEvenArrayBlock = ^BOOL(NSNumber *obj) {
return (([obj intValue] % 2) == 0);
BoolDictionaryBlock isEvenDictBlock = ^BOOL(id key, NSNumber *obj) {
return (([obj intValue] % 2) == 0);
NSLog(@"Only even numbers : Array %d - Dict %d", [numberArray isValidForAll:isEvenArrayBlock], [numberDict isValidForAll:isEvenDictBlock]);
# pragma mark - isValidForAny
NSLog(@"Any even numbers : Array %d - Dict %d", [numberArray isValidForAny:isEvenArrayBlock], [numberDict isValidForAny:isEvenDictBlock]);
Counts the number of entries in a set, for which the given block returns true:
- (NSNumber *) countValidEntries:(BoolArrayBlock) block;
- (NSNumber *) countValidEntries:(BoolDictionaryBlock) block;
BoolArrayBlock isEvenArrayBlock = ^BOOL(NSNumber *obj) {
return (([obj intValue] % 2) == 0);
BoolDictionaryBlock isEvenDictBlock = ^BOOL(id key, NSNumber *obj) {
return (([obj intValue] % 2) == 0);
NSNumber *ctEvenArr = [numberArray countValidEntries:isEvenArrayBlock];
NSNumber *ctEvenDict = [numberDict countValidEntries:isEvenDictBlock];
NSLog(@"The number of even elements are : Array %@ - Dict %@", ctEvenArr, ctEvenDict);
Drops every entry before the first item the block returns true for.
- (NSArray *) dropWhile:(BoolArrayBlock) block;
NSArray *droppedUntilThree = [numberArray dropWhile:^BOOL(NSNumber *nr) {
return ([nr integerValue] < 3);
NSLog(@"Array from 3 : %@", droppedUntilThree);
##max and min
Return the maximum and the minimum values in a collection. You will have to write a comperator, which compares two elements.
- (id) max:(CompareArrayBlock) block;
- (id) min:(CompareArrayBlock) block;
- (id) max:(CompareDictBlock) block;
- (id) min:(CompareDictBlock) block;
Here's an example that gets the minimum and the maximum value from the array and dict described above:
CompareArrayBlock compareArrBlock = ^NSComparisonResult(NSNumber *a, NSNumber *b) {
return [a compare:b];
CompareDictBlock compareDictBlock = ^NSComparisonResult(id k1, NSNumber *v1, id k2, NSNumber *v2) {
return [v1 compare:v2];
NSNumber *maxArr = [numberArray max:compareArrBlock];
NSNumber *maxDict = [numberDict max:compareDictBlock];
NSLog(@"Max : Array %@ - Dict %@", maxArr, maxDict);
#pragma mark - min
NSNumber *minArr = [numberArray min:compareArrBlock];
NSNumber *minDict = [numberDict min:compareDictBlock];
NSLog(@"Min : Array %@ - Dict %@", minArr, minDict);
Sort is actually just an alias for [self sortedArrayUsingComparator:block];
- (NSArray *) sort:(NSComparator) block;
See NSArray sortedArrayUsingComperator: for reference.
Here's an example:
NSComperator compareArrBlock = ^NSComparisonResult(NSNumber *a, NSNumber *b) {
return [a compare:b];
NSArray *nrReversed = [numberArray reverse];
NSArray *sorted = [nrReversed sort:compareArrBlock];
NSLog(@"%@ becomes %@ when sorted", nrReversed, sorted);
Groups an array by the values returned by the iterator.
- (NSDictionary *) group:(MapArrayBlock) block;
Here's an example that groups an array into an odd numbers section and an even numbers section:
NSDictionary *oddEvenArray = [numberArray group:^NSString *(NSNumber *obj) {
if (([obj intValue] % 2) == 0) return @"even";
else return @"odd";
NSLog(@"Grouped array %@", oddEvenArray);
Call times on an NSNumber
(n) to iterate n times over the given block.
- (void) times:(VoidBlock) block;
Here's a simple example - it prints 'have i told you' once:
NSNumber *howMany = [numberArray first];
[howMany times:^{
NSLog(@"have i told you?");
##NSArray additions
Creates an array, that contains the range as individual NSNumbers
+ (NSArray *) arrayFrom:(NSInteger) from To:(NSInteger) to;
NSArray *rArr = [NSArray arrayFrom:0 To:3];
NSLog(@"Array from 0 to 3 %@", rArr);
- (id) first;
Just a shortcut for [array objectAtIndex:0]
- (NSArray *) reverse;
Returns the reversed array
###arrayUntilIndex and arrayFromIndexOn
These are helper functions. They return the elements of the array they are called on until (excluding) the given index or from the given index on (including).
- (NSArray *) arrayUntilIndex:(NSInteger) idx;
- (NSArray *) arrayFromIndexOn:(NSInteger) idx;
NSArray *untilTwo = [numberArray arrayUntilIndex:2];
NSArray *afterTwo = [numberArray arrayFromIndexOn:2];
NSLog(@"The array until idx 2 : %@ and thereafter : %@", untilTwo, afterTwo); // 1,2 and 3,4,5