
A repository for log-time feedforward networks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A repository for fast feedforward (FFF) networks. Fast feedforward layers can be used in place of vanilla feedforward and mixture-of-expert layers, offering inference time that grows only logarithmically in the training width of the layer.

More information can be found in the paper "Fast Feedforward Networks" (arXiv).


  1. Install the package.
pip install fastfeedforward
  1. Import the FFF layer implementation.
from fastfeedforward import FFF
  1. Use FFF in place of feedforward or mixture-of-experts layers, e.g. instead of
my_ff = torch.nn.Sequential(
    torch.nn.Linear(input_width, hidden_width, bias=True),
    torch.nn.Linear(hidden_width, output_width, bias=True)


depth = ... # your choice of the FFF depth
leaf_width = math.ceil(hidden_width / 2**depth)
region_leak # your choice of the region leak probability (0 - 0.5) to encourage generalisation in very deep FFFs

my_ff = FFF(

Note that in order to get performance equal to that of a vanilla feedforward layer (FF) of width hidden_width, you might have to choose leaf_width and depth such that 2**depth * leaf_width > hidden_width, i.e. such that the training width of the FFF will be larger than the training width of the FF.


Use help(fastfeedforward.FFF) to display the following documentation.

class FFF(torch.nn.modules.module.Module)
 |  FFF(input_width: int, leaf_width: int, output_width: int, depth: int, activation=ReLU(), dropout: float = 0.0, train_hardened: bool = False, region_leak: float = 0.0, usage_mode: str = 'none')
 |  An implementation of fast feedforward networks from the paper "Fast Feedforward Networks".
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      FFF
 |      torch.nn.modules.module.Module
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, input_width: int, leaf_width: int, output_width: int, depth: int, activation=ReLU(), dropout: float = 0.0, train_hardened: bool = False, region_leak: float = 0.0, usage_mode: str = 'none')
 |      Initializes a fast feedforward network (FFF).
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      input_width : int
 |              The width of the input, i.e. the size of the last dimension of the tensor passed into `forward()`.
 |      leaf_width : int
 |              The width of each leaf of this FFF.
 |      output_width : int
 |              The width of the output, i.e. the size of the last dimension of the tensor returned by `forward()`.
 |      depth : int
 |              The depth of the FFF tree. Will result to 2**depth leaves.
 |      activation : torch.nn.Module, optional
 |              The activation function to use. Defaults to `torch.nn.ReLU()`.
 |      dropout : float, optional
 |              The probability to use for the dropout at the leaves after the activations have been computed. Defaults to 0.0.
 |              Plays no role if self.training is False.
 |      train_hardened : bool, optional
 |              Whether to use hardened decisions during training. Defaults to False.
 |      region_leak : float, optional
 |              The probability of a region to leak to the next region at each node. Defaults to 0.0.
 |              Plays no role if self.training is False.
 |      usage_mode : str, optional
 |              The mode of recording usage of the leaves and nodes of this FFF.
 |              Must be one of ['hard', 'soft, 'none']. Defaults to 'none'.
 |      Raises
 |      ------
 |      ValueError
 |              - if `input_width`, `leaf_width` or `output_width` are not positive integers
 |              - if `depth` is not a positive integer or 0
 |              - if `dropout` is not in the range [0, 1]
 |              - if `region_leak` is not in the range [0, 1]
 |              - if `usage_mode` is not one of ['hard', 'soft, 'none']
 |      Notes
 |      -----
 |      - The number of leaves of the FFF will be 2**depth.
 |      - The number of nodes of the FFF will be 2**depth - 1.
 |      - The region leak of >0.5 effectively reverses the roles of the left and right child at each node.
 |      - Dropout and region leaks are only applied during training (i.e. model.eval() will disable them).
 |  eval_forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor
 |      Computes the forward pass of this FFF during evaluation (i.e. making hard decisions at each node and traversing the FFF in logarithmic time).
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      x : torch.Tensor
 |              The input tensor. Must have shape (..., input_width).
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      torch.Tensor
 |              The output tensor. Will have shape (..., output_width).
 |      Notes
 |      -----
 |      - Dropout and region leaks are not engaged by this method.
 |  forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, return_entropies: bool = False, use_hard_decisions: Optional[bool] = None)
 |      Computes the forward pass of this FFF.
 |      If `self.training` is True, `training_forward()` will be called, otherwise `eval_forward()` will be called.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      x : torch.Tensor
 |              The input tensor. Must have shape (..., input_width).
 |      return_entropies : bool, optional
 |              Whether to return the entropies of the decisions made at each node. Defaults to False.
 |              If True, the mean batch entropies for each node will be returned as a tensor of shape (n_nodes,).
 |      use_hard_decisions : bool, optional
 |              Whether to use hard decisions during the forward pass. Defaults to None.
 |              If None and `self.training` is True, will effectively be False.
 |              If None and `self.training` is False, will effectively be True.
 |              Cannot be set to False if `self.training` is False.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      torch.Tensor
 |              The output tensor. Will have shape (..., output_width).
 |      torch.Tensor, optional
 |              The mean batch entropies for each node. Will be returned with shape (n_nodes,) if `return_entropies` is True.
 |              Will not be returned if `return_entropies` is False.
 |      Raises
 |      ------
 |      ValueError
 |              - if `x` does not have shape (..., input_width)
 |              - if `return_entropies` is True and `self.training` is False
 |              - if `use_hard_decisions` is False and `self.training` is False
 |      See Also
 |      --------
 |      `training_forward()`
 |      `eval_forward()`
 |  get_leaf_param_group(self) -> dict
 |      Returns the parameters of the leaves of this FFF, coupled with their usage tensor.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      dict
 |              The parameters of the leaves of this FFF, coupled with their usage tensor.
 |              Will have the following keys:
 |                      - "params": a list containing the leaf parameters
 |                      - "usage": the node usage tensor
 |  get_node_param_group(self) -> dict
 |      Returns the parameters of the nodes of this FFF, coupled with their usage tensor.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      dict
 |              The parameters of the nodes of this FFF, coupled with their usage tensor.
 |              Will have the following keys:
 |                      - "params": a list containing the node parameters
 |                      - "usage": the node usage tensor
 |  training_forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, return_entropies: bool = False, use_hard_decisions: bool = False)
 |      Computes the forward pass of this FFF during training.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      x : torch.Tensor
 |              The input tensor. Must have shape (..., input_width).
 |      return_entropies : bool, optional
 |              Whether to return the entropies of the decisions made at each node. Defaults to False.
 |              If True, the mean batch entropies for each node will be returned as a tensor of shape (n_nodes,).
 |      use_hard_decisions : bool, optional
 |              Whether to use hard decisions during the forward pass. Defaults to False.
 |              If True, the decisions will be rounded to the nearest integer. This will effectively make the FFF tree non-differentiable.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      torch.Tensor
 |              The output tensor. Will have shape (..., output_width).
 |      torch.Tensor, optional
 |              The mean batch entropies for each node. Will be returned with shape (n_nodes,) if `return_entropies` is True.
 |              Will not be returned if `return_entropies` is False.
 |      Notes
 |      -----
 |      - The FFF tree is traversed from the root to the leaves.
 |              At each node, the input is multiplied by the node's weight matrix and added to the node's bias vector.
 |              The result is passed through a sigmoid function to obtain a probability.
 |              The probability is used to modify the mixture of the current batch of inputs.
 |              The modified mixture is passed to the next node.
 |              Finally, the outputs of all leaves are mixed together to obtain the final output.
 |      - If `use_hard_decisions` is True and `return_entropies` is True, the entropies will be computed before the decisions are rounded.
 |      - If self.training is False, region leaks and dropout will not be applied in this function.
 |      - Node usage, when tracked, is computed after node leaks have been applied (but is of course also applied when there is no node leaks).
 |      Raises
 |      ------
 |      ValueError
 |              - if `x` does not have shape (..., input_width)
 |      See Also
 |      --------
 |      `eval_forward()`
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  The rest of the methods are inherited from torch.nn.modules.module.Module.