Access token authentication middleware for Express, NodeJS. Makes it easy to add access token authentication to any API.
Add to dependencies
"authenticate": "*"
npm install authenticate
var authenticate = require("authenticate");
// Inside of app.configure
encrypt_key: "", // Add any key for encrypting data
validate_key: "" // Add any key for signing data
The access token can be passed to a frontend client after the client is authenticated via some form of login. For example, making a POST to /login with email and password, verifying email and password are correct, and then passing the access token to the client. Here is some javascript for passing an access token to the client in JSON.
client_id is mainly for ownership of access.
var authenticate = require("authenticate");
app.get('/login', function(req, res) {
// Insert user auth logic here
res.writeHead(200, {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"access_token": authenticate.serializeToken(client_id, user_id, extra_data) // extra data is optional
An access token embeds data into the request. You can then check whether the user and client have access to a resource or not.
Your API can then take a request with the access token as a query string parameter, part of the request body, or headers. In the request body and the query string parameters, access_token is passed (e.g. http://localhost?access_token=123). However, for headers you want to pass "x-access-token".
In calls with an access token, the middleware auths against the token automatically. An example of using this would be:
app.get("/restricted", function(req, res) {
if(!req.user.user_id) {
// No auth, redirect or show error page
res.writeHead(200, {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
res.write('{error:"Authentication Error"}');
req.user.user_id // user id
req.user.client_id // A client id // date access token was created
req.user.extra_data // extra data passed in when serialized
req.user.access_token // Access token being passed in
// etc.