Please install Ruby, Rails, Node, Yarn, and PostgresSQL before following the README instructions.


  • Ruby - 3.0.1
  • Rails -
  • Node - 14.16.0
  • Yarn - 1.22.5

Setup - Windows(WSL)/Linux/Mac (Assuming Ruby, Rails, and PostgresSQL have already been installed)

  1. sudo -u postgres psql
  2. CREATE USER mscfishpa_user WITH PASSWORD 'password1';
  3. ALTER USER mscfishpa_user CREATEDB;
  4. \q (to exit postgres)
  5. Might need to change how the user is authenticated in postgres config file:
  6. Change user and password in database.yml to use the mscfishpa_user information to test locally (currently commented out)

Executing the code

  1. bundle install
  2. yarn
  3. rails db:create
  4. rails db:migrate
  5. rails db:seed (seed the development database)
  6. RAILS_ENV=test rake db:test:prepare db:seed (seed the test database)
  7. rails s (to start server)

Deployment on Heroku (Assuming a Heroku account has already been made and is installed on the system)

*** Be sure to include packs when committing to Github so that the front-end changes are recompiled. ***

Committing to Github - CI/CD

*** Be sure to change the user in database.yml back to postgres user and password before committing to allow CI to pass. ***

CI - on Github

  • No additional steps are required to set up CI. CI is managed by the main.yml file in the .github/workflows folder. If you would like when CI is run (currently on pushs, pull requests, and merges to main) you may modify this file before committing your code to Github.

CD - on Heroku

  • Please see previous steps on how to deploy to Heroku.
  • Set up a Heroku pipeline with any necessary applications and connect it to the main branch.
    • We used a staging application with automatic deployments from the main branch and a production app that would be directly fed from the staging app.
    • There was also some use of a sub-staging app that was used to test production versions of code (automatically deployed from a Github branch) to avoid merging to main while committing code.
  • No additional steps are required after the pipeline is setup and automatic deploys are configured. You may test on the staging application before promoting to the production application.