- 0
how to train customized VAE?
#115 opened by wangchx67 - 0
use model autoencoder_vq_f4.pth do nothing when use the picture ,is there some problem
#114 opened by abo123456789 - 0
The size of the image
#113 opened by Chenglu0426 - 0
您好,请问您模型使用的unet是否支持类似cross attention的功能?
#112 opened by Chenglu0426 - 6
#96 opened by novice0224 - 3
train on my own
#98 opened by zhengchaobing - 0
#111 opened by i18nsite - 1
- 0
#110 opened by Fengqi-Yang - 5
#80 opened by zhangshilong2000 - 0
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/u24/lbg/ResShift-journal/", line 48, in <module> trainer.train() File "/home/u24/lbg/ResShift-journal/", line 321, in train self.validation() File "/home/u24/lbg/ResShift-journal/", line 962, in validation if 'gt' in data: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'data' referenced before assignment
#108 opened by 4C4247 - 0
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/u24/lbg/ResShift-journal/", line 48, in <module> trainer.train() File "/home/u24/lbg/ResShift-journal/", line 321, in train self.validation() File "/home/u24/lbg/ResShift-journal/", line 962, in validation if 'gt' in data: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'data' referenced before assignment
#107 opened by 4C4247 - 2
#106 opened by 4C4247 - 2
#104 opened by 4C4247 - 0
My data set is 64*64, and I want to restore it to 512*512 in high resolution. Which parts should I modify?
#105 opened by 12qew - 7
#103 opened by 4C4247 - 0
#102 opened by ldb1419230 - 2
Request for Source Code Related to Autoencoder for Gray-Scale Image Training
#100 opened by zhangjie20231127 - 0
utils\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast img_np = img_np.astype(out_type)
#101 opened by puppyjuan - 1
Questions on models/
#99 opened by Hiilay - 0
#97 opened by d-linlin - 2
- 24
how can I train custom datasets?
#89 opened by H0128Z - 4
train dataset
#76 opened by Lmy0914 - 1
The model trained on my own dataset gives an error when using for inference.
#95 opened by zwt811 - 0
Increased noise was found during testing
#94 opened by wangzz313 - 2
I want to resume from your pre-trained weight.
#92 opened by H0128Z - 0
- 0
1-Click Windows, RunPod, Massed Compute, Kaggle Installer With Very Advanced Gradio APP That Supports Batch Processing As Well
#90 opened by FurkanGozukara - 2
请问对于fast testing中的测试大概需要多大的显存?
#88 opened by Rhhhhhhh - 0
#87 opened by qiuzi - 0
Demo issue
#86 opened by LT1st - 3
image size
#85 opened by MinjuJangg - 4
#77 opened by selfish0618 - 6
One code error perhaps
#83 opened by Hiilay - 11
- 3
Train framework without autoencoder not working
#79 opened by nilsleh - 2
The amount of computation and time needed for Blind Face Restoration training
#84 opened by mohammad-jafary - 1
Is there a straight-forward way of extending the formalism to take input 3d fields?
#82 opened by diveshjain-phy - 2
#78 opened by Hiilay - 3
Quality of RealSet65 results
#75 opened by avgalichin - 7
- 0
#74 opened by yunjiefeng123 - 4
Training time
#68 opened by jasoaa11 - 0
Metrices on RealSR and RealSet65
#72 opened by 649459021 - 1
Training fails
#71 opened by PavelBartenev - 0
No such file or directory
#70 opened by Oukhairi - 7
Regarding the issue of abnormal LPIPS and CLIPIQA scores in reproducing natural image inpainting task
#67 opened by stzyh - 2
Reproducing the results on CelebA-Test
#65 opened by LearningHx - 1