
My plugins for Aliucord

Primary LanguageKotlinOpen Software License 3.0OSL-3.0

Plugins for Aliucord

Click on a plugin name to download, and then move the downloaded file to the Aliucord/plugins folder

  • AccountSwitcher Adds the ability to quickly switch accounts

  • AlwaysAnimate Allows making server icons and user avatars always animate

  • AnonymousFiles Randomize uploaded file names

  • AppendGifAsUrl Makes selecting a GIF add as a URL to the message, instead of sending and clearing your message.

  • AvatarMention Makes tapping a message avatar mention that user

  • BanCount Shows the total number of banned users on the bans page in the server settings

  • ChannelInvites Shows the total number of banned users on the bans page in the server settings

  • CharCounter Adds a character counter to the message box

  • CompactMode Modifies chat to have a more compact appearance, with several options to change

  • CursorInput Makes it so that emojis, mentions and others are added at the cursor position instead of the end of the message

  • CustomNoticeDuration Allows setting the dismiss time of notices (in-app notifications)

  • CustomSounds Adds settings to customize what sound is played for various events.

  • CustomStatusPresets Adds presets to the custom status menu. Long press on the save button to save a preset

  • DeveloperUtils Adds several utilities to make development easier

  • DisablePreviewsOnData Disables inline images and videos in chat in the Text & Images settings when on mobile data to limit data usage

  • DMCategories Adds the ability to create categories for DMs, which will come first in the list

  • FavoriteChannels Add your favorite channels to the top of the channel list for easy access.

  • FolderOpacity Adds an option to the guild folder settings to set the opacity

  • InputFocusFix Fix automatic focus on input field

  • InviteDetails Adds useful information to the invite embed

  • MessageReactionsFix Adds favorite emojis to the start of the emoji list

  • MessageScheduler

  • MessageWidthFix Fixes the width on embeds and stickers to make long press work

  • NoBurnIn Adds many options to hide items from the top bar in an attempt to prevent screen burn-in

  • NoLinkify Disables highlighting for phone numbers and addresses in messages

  • PermissionsSync Adds the sync permissions option from the Desktop client

  • QuickStar Adds a star button to the message context menu that reacts to the message with the star emoji

  • RemoteUpload Automatically upload files to a remote host if they exceed the size limit

  • RestartButton Adds a button to restart Aliucord to the settings page

  • RoleColorEverywhere Displays the highest role color in more places like mentions and typing text

  • SearchTweaks Adds features to make searching more bearable

  • SystemInfo Adds a systeminfo slash command that provides basic system information

  • SystemTheme Sync your Discord theme with your system theme

  • Token Adds a token slash command to tell you your account token

  • Weather Adds a weather slash command to get information for the current location or one that's provided

  • WiderScrollbar Allows changing the scrollbar width to make it easier to drag