
Angular Application leveraging Google Maps to find Food Trucks in San Francisco. Automated CI/CD Pipeline.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Food Truck Finder

Coding challenge project aimed to help anyone find the 5 closest food trucks to them while in San Francisco.

The home page of this project will load a map of San Francisco, click on the map to find the 5 closest food trucks.

Optionally, you can click on the Find Me button to use your device location to center the map.

The reset button in the home page will load the default values to center the map view to the San Francisco area.

Click on a marker to see details of the food truck location.

The About page describes the project and some of the Features + development decisions involved in the creation of this project.

Tech Stack


This is an Angular project featuring Best Practices for scalability, performance and ease of use.

Code is written leveraging Typescript and ES6 functionality to ensure quality and scalability.

All Angular modules and their components/services are lazy loaded for performance considerations.

Services are instantiated as Singleton services to ensure a consistent data flow between services and components.

Shared Module pattern is used for efficient import/export of dependencies to all modules. Unused modules are tree shaked on a production build to keep bundles minimal and use only the dependencies each module needs.

Routing module has strict type checking of routes to ensure routes use proper title, description and an icon for mobile responsive display.

Theming styling is built separately from structural styling to easily make changes when needed.

Multiple themes are supported and lazy loaded into the app at runtime to keep network traffic minimal. User preference of Theme is persisted in LocalStorage for user convenience.

Testing modules have been set up to minimize external dependencies and ensure reusable testing patterns.


Bootstrap is used to leverage some of the library's built-in utilities for responsive design and theming capabilities. Bootstrap components are NOT used.

Bootstrap Grid system enables responsive design by using a class-based approach which is easy to use and keeps the page layout in the HTML.

Bootstrap color utilities allow for powerful and efficient theming capabilities for text and background, this project integrates Bootstrap and Material theming capabilities to leverage the best of both libraries seamlessly.

Other Bootstrap utilities are leveraged as well for easy styling of margins, padding, borders, alignment, etc.

Angular Material

Angular Material is used as the main component library of this project for the high quality, elegant design and extensive documentation of the components.

Material theming capabilities are exceptional and paired with Bootstrap utilities this project can be fully customized with ease, multiple themed are already included and more can be added with minimal effort.

Angular Flex Layout

Angular Flex Layout is used to enable mobile responsive design.

Leveraging the MediaObserver, elements are effectively added or removed from the DOM, this keeps the DOM clean and organized while also boosting performance.

Angular Google Maps

Angular Google Maps is used as a wrapper to use the Google Maps API's.

Location services are enabled to set the user's initial location.

Markers are used to display on the map a layer of the 5 closest food trucks to a given location.

A circle area is drawn on the screen displaying the radius in which the food trucks were found.

San Francisco Data API

The public San Francisco Data API is used to pull results for food trucks in San Francisco.

A custom query is built that orders results by proximity to a given location and sets a limit of 5, effectively returning the 5 closest food trucks to a given location.


Prettier is used to automatically style code, files can be pretified automatically on save by using the included .vscode/settings.json file in this repo.

Additionally, the prettier npm module is included as a dependency to prettify staged files with a pre-commit hook.

Prettier is used on this project to ensure consistent coding style.


Similarly to Prettier, TSLint will try to auto-fix linting issues automatically on save using the included .vscode/settings.json file.

Running npm run lint:fix will also try to auto-fix any linting issues in the project.

There's a pre-push hook that will lint the project and prevent pushing if errors are present.


Hooks are ran using Husky to ensure code quality through the scaffolding of this project.


Prettier will run as a pre-commit hook using pretty-quick on staged files.


Linting (no auto-fix) and tests will be run as a pre-push hook, if either of them fail pushing won't go through.


VSCode is recommended as the IDE for this project, included in this repo is .vscode/settings.json file with some basic settings to prettify and attempt to auto-fix lint issues with ease.


A demo of this project can be found here: https://ztgluis.github.io/food-truck-challenge


For development, clone this repository in your local environment and run npm install

Run npm start for a dev server and navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Run npm test to run tests and get a text summary of the results + code coverage.

Run npm run tests:dev to run tests in watch mode, allowing to debug issues and live rerun the test on code changes.

Running git commit will initiate a pre-commit hook which will ensure code styling using prettier.

Running git push will initiate a CI/CD process which executes linting, testing, prod build and push prod build to GitHub Pages.


On pushing to Github, the following actions will happen in order, if any of them fail the process stops:

  1. Linting rules are run.
  2. Tests are run, process will stop if any fail or the 80% coverage threshold is not met.
  3. A production build will be started.
  4. A copy of the production build will be pushed to the gh-pages branch, effectively updating the demo page: https://ztgluis.github.io/food-truck-challenge/

After these steps, code will be pushed to Github and initiate a secondary CI/CD process:

  1. A Docker Hub hook that will build the docker image: ztgluis/food-truck-challenge:latest
  2. On Pull Request opening, Github Actions will run the same rules as above (linting, testing, production build) as pre-merge checks.