
Bundler-independent solution for any deferred component for better SSR, Code-splitting, and React-Hot-Loader. With no ✨ inside.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


imported components

Customs clearance for React Components shipped from overseas...

Build status

react-imported-component - world first any-bundler SSR-friendly loader.

Formerly - simple, but usable Async Component loader to be used with React-Hot-Loader.

Easy, universal, and could provide top results without any extra configuration.

Deliver a better experience with a single import.

Key features:

  • 🔥 Hot-Module-Replacement friendly.
  • ⛓️ support forwardRef.
  • 💡 TS, Flow, Rect 16/Async ready.
  • 🌟 Async on client, sync on server. Supports Suspense.
  • 📦 could handle any bunder, and could load all the used async chunks in one "wave".
  • ✂️ could work with any import statement, passed from anywhere
  • 🛠 HOC and Component API.
  • 🧙️ thus, composable.


import importedComponent from 'react-imported-component';
const Component = importedComponent( () => import('./Component'));

const Component = importedComponent( () => import('./Component'), {
  LoadingComponent: Spinner,
  ErrorComponent: FatalError


// render it
<Component... />

import {lazy} from 'react-imported-component'
const Component = lazy( () => import('./Component'));

 <Component />

Example: React.lazy vs Imported-component


Code splitting components

  • importedComponent(importFunction, [options]): ComponentLoader - main API, default export, HOC to create imported component.

    • importFunction - function which resolves with Component to be imported.
    • options - optional settings
    • options.LoadingComponent - component to be shown in Loading state
    • options.ErrorComponent - component to be shown in Error state
    • options.onError - function to consume the error, if one will thrown. Will rethrow a real error if not set.
    • options.exportPicker - function to pick not default export from a importFunction
    • options.render(Component, state, props) - function to render the result. Could be used to tune the rendering.
    • options.async - activates react suspense support.
  • importedComponent.preload - static method to preload components.

  • lazy - helper to mimic React.lazy behavior, just importedComponent(fn, { async: true }).

  • ComponentLoader, the React Component variant of importedComponent. accepts importFunction as a loadable prop.

Server side API

  • printDrainHydrateMarks(), print our the drainHydrateMarks.
  • drainHydrateMarks(), returns the currently used marks, and clears the list.

Client side API

  • rehydrateMarks():Promise, loads marked async chunks.
  • whenComponentsReady():Promise, will be resolved, when all marks loaded.
  • dryRender(renderFunction):Promise, perform sandboxed render, and resolves "whenComponentsReady".

There is no build in timeouts to display Error or Loading states. You could control everything by yourself

  • use react-delay, p-delay, p-timeout, or suspence :P.

Using dynamic import

One of the key features - "could work with any import statement, passed from anywhere". All others full-cream SSR bundlers relay on import statement inside their HOC, like in the example just above, disallowing any composition.

React-imported-component is different. But still "full-cream".

import importedComponent from 'react-imported-component';
const myImportFunction = () => import('./Component')
const Component = importedComponent(myImportFunction);
import importedComponent from 'react-imported-component';
const mySuperImportedFactory = importFunction => importedComponent(importFunction); 
export default mySuperImportedFactory
//... in another file
mySuperImportedFactory(() => import('./Component'));
mySuperImportedFactory(async () => {
  const Component = await import('./Component');
  return () => <Component props />

If you need something complex, load more that one source for example.

importedComponent(async () => {
  const [Component1, Component2, i18n] = await Promise.all([ 
  return (props) => <Component1><Component2 i18n={i18n} {...props} /></Component1>;


import importedComponent from 'react-imported-component';
const myImportFunction = () => import('./Component')
const myAnotherFunction = () => myImportFunction; 
const Component = importedComponent(myAnotherFunction);

Function with import inside should be passed directly to importedComponent, as long importedComponent will analyze content of passed function.

To use webpack chunks - just add comments inside an import function

importedComponent( () => import(/* webpackChunkName:'pages' */'./Component'));

That is all. Component will be loaded in time and then displayed. And updated on module replacement of course.

Component loader.

As long importedComponent is a fabric function, which will produce React Component, which will perform the loading, you may use React Component without calling fabric function.

import {ComponentLoader} from 'react-imported-component';

const MyPage = () => (
       loadable={() => import('./Page.js')}
       // all fields are optional, and matches the same field of importedComponent.

Actually loadable awaits for loadableResource, but could do auto transformation.

import {loadableResource} from 'react-imported-component';
loadable = {loadableResource(() => import('xxx'))}

loadableResource is just a sugar around import.

Suspense (React Async)

Just pass down an option for importedComponent, or prop for `ComponentLoader, and catch the loading promise, imported component will throw if loading state will took a place.

SSR (Server side rendering)

It was usually a headache - async components and SSR, which is currently sync. React-imported-component break this cycle, making ServerSide rendering sync, and providing comprehensive ways to rehydrate rendered tree on client. It will detect server-side environment and precache all used components.

Full-cream SSR-to-Client

To enable full cream SSR follow these steps.

  1. Add babel plugin On the server:
  "plugins": ["react-imported-component/babel", "babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node"]

On the client:

  "plugins": ["react-imported-component/babel"]

Imported-Component will hook into dynamic imports, providing extra information about files you want to load.

  1. Add one more command into package.json CLI command imported-components [sources ROOT] [targetFile] (use .ts for TypeScript)
 "generate-imported-component": "imported-components src src/imported.js"
  1. Execute this command, and react-imported-component will generate a file with all dynamic imports you have used.

That's how the magic, bundle independent bundling works.

  1. Include this file on client-side, not important for server-side.
import importedComponents from 'src/imported';
  1. Export "used" components information from server side
  import { printDrainHydrateMarks, drainHydrateMarks } from 'react-imported-component';
  // this action will drain all currently used(by any reason) marks
  // AND print a script tag
  const html = renderToString(<YourApp />) + printDrainHydrateMarks();
  // OR return list of usedmarks, and yet again CLEAR the marks list.
  const html = renderToString(<YourApp />) + "<script>const marks="+JSON.stringify(drainHydrateMarks())+"</script>";

! The current version expects you to synchronously render the application, and "drain" used marks. "Drain" will return used marks, and empty the state, making the application ready for the next render.

  1. Client side - rehydrate
  import { rehydrateMarks } from 'react-imported-component';

  // this will trigger all marked imports, and await for competition.
  rehydrateMarks().then(() => {
    ReactDOM.render(<App />,document.getElementById('main'));

Async SSR (renderToStream)

In case you have more than one rendering thread, for example in case of react-bootstrapper, ReactDOM.renderToStream or suspense, default approach will not work. You need one more component, to separate components my "rendering streams".

import {ImportedStream, drainHydrateMarks} from 'react-imported-component';

let streamUID = 0;
const html = renderToString(
  <ImportedStream takeUID={uid => streamUID=uid}>
    <YourApp />
  </ImportedStream>) + printDrainHydrateMarks(streamUID);

Use ImportedStream to bound all imported component to one "streamId", and then - get used components. Without ImportedStream streamId will be just 0 for all renders. With ImportedStream - it is a counter.

SSR - Automagic (🤯, forget about it)

In case you could not use babel plugin, you could use "dryRender" API

 import {dryRender} from 'react-imported-component';

 // extract your rendering function
 const renderApplication = (targetElement) => {
   ReactDOM.render(<App />, targetElement);
 // create invisible offscreen element
 const invisibleElement = document.createElement('div');
   // render Application to offscreen
   () => renderApplication(invisibleElement)
   // await all components to be loaded
   // unmount useless Application
    .then(() => unmountComponentAtNode(invisibleElement))
   // render and rehydrate the real application 
   // better rehydrate
    .then(() => renderApplication(document.getElementById('realElement')))

dryRender will render application offscreen, await for all parts to be loaded, and then resolve the promise. It is super-not-fast, and you will literally re-render everything twice, but it works (almost the same approach as react-async-component has).


  • React.lazy

    • The same API, and the same behavior (as imported lazy helper).
    • No SSR(yet), no preload, no control
  • react-loadable

    • The most popular one. Most tested one as a most used one.
    • Loader: hybrid (import/require), could handle sets of imports("maps").
    • Front-end: RHL-not-friendly.
    • SSR: sync, webpack-bound, sees all used chunks.
    • Complex HOC based API. SSR will require additional pass(analyze webpack bundle)
  • react-async-component

    • The most magic one. Doing all the stuff underneath, invisible to the user.
    • Loader: import only
    • Front-end: RHL-not-friendly.
    • SSR: semi-async(async-bootstraper), no wave reduction, sees only currently loaded chunks.
    • Magic HOC based API. All SSR work are "magically" hidden behind bootstraper.
    • ** not compatible with React-Hot-Loader **. I mean "at all".
  • loadable-components

    • The most complex(inside) one. Just piece of Art.
    • Loader: import only
    • Front-end: RHL-friendly. (by forced preloading)
    • SSR: semi-async(walkTree), no wave reduction, sees only currently loaded chunks.
    • Simple HOC based API
    • Support Suspense
  • react-universal-component

    • The most "webpack" one. Comprehensive solution, able to solve any case.
    • Loader: hybrid (import/require)
    • Front-end: RHL-friendly.
    • SSR: sync, webpack-bound, synchronous rendering. Sees all used chunks.
    • Very complex API
  • react-imported-component

    • This library.
    • Loader: import only
    • Front-end: RHL-friendly.
    • SSR: semi-async(preload), bundler-independent, Sees all used chunks.
    • Component/HOC API, SSR could require additional pass (extract imports), or will lost wave reduction.
    • Support Suspense

Note 1: "RHL friendly" means that "loader" works with React-Hot-Loader out of the box. In other case you will have to wrap async chunk's export with hot function, provided by Hot-Loader.

Note 2: "no wave reduction" means - loader is produce several loading "waves"


Let's imagine complex case - index.js will async-load 2 chunks, and they also will load 2 async chunks. SSR will result 6 marks, but only 2 of them will be resolved and executed on startup, as long the nested async calls are described in the async chunks, which are not loaded yet. Thus will result a two(or more) "waves" of loading.

First you load files you can load(have imports to load them), next, a new code will start next "wave".

In 99.9% cases you will have only one "wave", and could loader reduce "waves" or not - does not matter. But in complex cases, you can have a lot of nested async chunks - then better to use loader which could handle it.


Very opinionated library. No loader have to support it, as long this is altering the whole dev process and could not be repeated in production. Read this article about pros and cons using react-hot-loader among your project.

Small Conclusion

There is no "best" or "worst" loader. They all almost similar on front-end and could solve most SSR specific tasks. They are all litteraly is a ONE command, just API a bit differs.

You are free to pick any. Or found your own one.
