
A starter template for RescriptRelay.

Primary LanguageReScript


A starter for RescriptRelay. Features:

  • rescript-relay-router for routing built to work best with Relay
  • Vite for a fast workflow
  • TailwindCSS
  • Client side rendering (SSR coming soon)

Get started

This uses graphql-client-example-server by default. So, install and start that first if you want to have a look at the demo code included in the repo:

npm install -g graphql-client-example-server

# Then run it
npm i

# Run this to start developing
npm run dev

# Run this to build for production
npm run build

Dev environment

If you're a VSCode user, make sure you install vscode-rescript-relay, the official RescriptRelay extension. It provides a large number of tooling and conveniences both for working with RescriptRelay as well as with the RescriptRelayRouter itself.


More advanced starters and samples will be coming later, including with SSR (both regular and streaming) set up.


  • @defer is not enabled yet. Will happen soon.