jump to local IDE code directly from browser React component by just a simple click
- 4
反向 inspect,IDE-> Web Page
#175 opened by tjx666 - 0
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#178 opened by pangxzi - 8
#146 opened by jokeran163 - 5
貌似不支持 react server component
#165 opened by Bubbleinpit - 6
Do you support Nextjs and SWC?
#171 opened by givo - 0
当 body 设置了 transform 样式时,遮罩层出现的位置错误
#177 opened by jiezhiyong - 8
- 4
[Feat] Allow customization of EditorServer's BaseUrl | 希望能自定义`EditorServer`的`BaseUrl`
#172 opened by BanShan-Alec - 1
Path issues in Windows Vite React project | windows的vite的react项目中路径不太对,而且希望能加个绝对路径的,把path和Line和column合起来
#173 opened by baikaifa - 2
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- 1
Jumping failed on windows(11) platform, when the component is under the path like "/[slug]/component.tsx", "/(pathless)/component.tsx"
#170 opened by laoxubuer - 4
simplify nextjs integratation
#168 opened by tjx666 - 0
NextJS --turbo and swc won't work
#169 opened by danimrangelb - 2
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webstorm 的代码跳转方法已经过时
#161 opened by MiniOcean404 - 2
react-dev-inspector@2.0.0 Inspector component onClientElement cannot get codeInfo
#156 opened by rexhang - 1
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#159 opened by xccjk - 4
#155 opened by shenhaidada - 3
#150 opened by tututuanzinuomi - 7
#152 opened by chen2938 - 1
不支持react 17以下版本?
#154 opened by 729993031 - 4
需要使用 swc 版本的插件吗?
#153 opened by LaamGinghong - 1
codeInfo 何时返回绝对路径 何时返回相对路径啊
#151 opened by wangjianjia1314 - 1
vite 4.x 中使用 @vitejs/plugin-react-swc 插件,编译报错
#145 opened by yaojiadong666 - 0
vscode insiders
#149 opened by so2liu - 4
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功能需求: umi4 支持 [v1.8.6 已支持]
#132 opened by xiefengnian - 4
按README文档使用,Add Inspector React Component部分似乎有点问题
#139 opened by KeyToLove - 3
今天升级了包 umi3打包失败,昨天是正常的
#136 opened by CoderBOBO - 2
希望作者尽快修复1.8.3 存在的启动报错的问题
#137 opened by luoyepiaoling123 - 1
#135 opened by Mrxyy - 3
Remix 项目如何配置
#115 opened by leeguooooo - 2
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默认打开sublime 怎么使其默认打开vscode
#126 opened by Rickiiii - 1
@babel/types should be listed in dependencies instead of devDependencies
#127 opened by heiseshandian - 11
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create-react-app 5.0.0 无法唤起 vscode
#117 opened by cp3hnu - 1
考虑支持 esbuild 吗
#116 opened by suchangv - 3
#109 opened by a982564562 - 12
visual indicator of dev-inspector is "active"
#105 opened by murugaratham - 6
react-dev-utils 版本可否升级到 v11
#75 opened by zzyifan - 11
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umi 3.x 在 window 10 环境无法唤醒 vscode
#81 opened by tazyong - 18
在基于icejs 的项目中的使用
#58 opened by wenjingyuer