Python CLI Progress bar. This module is an iterator that can not only, iterate, but display its self as a progressbar along with some other usefull iformation such as iterations a second, estimated time, elapsed time, etc.
00:25 100% [====================] [100/100] 3.99/s 00:00
- Download and add script to project:
- Use in python script:
from progressbar import Progressbar
for i in Progressbar(100):
# OR
progress = Progressbar(100, display=False) # Output manually
for i in progress:
print(str(progress)) # Print progress bar
Name | Description |
start | Iterator starting position |
end | Iterator ending position |
current | Current iteration position |
step | Added to current index after each iteration |
length | ASCII progress bar string length |
units | Unit to append to progress rate |
color | ANSI escape code to color progress bar |
display | Automatically output to sdtout |
bar_format | Custom progress bar format string |
Name | Description |
elapsed | Time ellapsed since first iteration: mm:ss |
percentage | Percentage of completion: 50% |
bar | ASCII progress bar: |==========| |
fraction | Position as a fraction: [index/total] |
rate | Iterations per second: 2.00/s |
eta | Estimated time until complete: mm:ss |
Name | Description |
elapsed(self) | Elapsed time in seconds |
estimated_time(self) | Estimated time until completion in seconds |
fraction(self) | Create fraction string |
generate_bar | Progress bar ASCII string |
per_second | Calculate iteration rate per second as float |
percentage | Percentage as a floating point |
Copyright © 2023 Zakary Timson | Available under the GNU General Public License
See the license for more information.