Classifier for predicting user interests based on Twitter profile. Python library scikit-learn is used for machine learning part.
Add category name and its representing user using the second form (see screenshot). Categories are for example: psychology, science, politics, fiction literature, programming etc. For each category a representing user is needed - @JohnDCook for category programming for example.
Once a new category is added tweets from representing user and users that she/he is following are downloaded - assumption that users that are being followed share the same interest as the representing user is rather simplified and could be improved with some additional filtering.
Some things to be noted here: only English tweets are stored (filtering is done based on English stop words) and only users with more that 50 followers are considered. These and some other parameters can be configured in /path/to/twitterclassifier/twclassifier/ccore/
For more details see /path/to/twitterclassifier/twclassifier/ccore/
Once categories are defined and tweets are extracted Train button should be used to run the machine learning algorithm. Python library scikit-learn is used for data cleaning and machine learning (see inside /path/to/twitterclassifier/twclassifier/ccore for more details).
Only words that appear in at least 4 documents (one document contains all tweets extracted from one user), have length greater than 3, and contain no numbers are considered - see the following line in
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english', token_pattern=r'[a-zA-Z]{4,}', min_df=4)
sklearn.svm.LinearSVC is used for training:
clf = LinearSVC(random_state=0).fit(X_train, labels)
Trained classifier is stored into categories.joblib.pkl into /path/to/twitterclassifier/classifiers, vectorizer is stored into vect.pkl.
Insert some Twitter user name in the first form and submit it. You should get a list of interests predicted for this user. For details see in /path/to/twitterclassifier/twclassifier/ccore.
pip install twitter pip install bottle pip install joblib pip install -U scikit-learn
Go to /path/to/twitterclassifier/config and add twitter.cfg file with your Twitter credentials there:
[Twitter] token = token_secret = consumer_key = consumer_secret =
Create a directory where tweets will be stored and edit data_dir parameter in /path/to/twitterclassifier/twclassifier/ccore/
Execute the following command in the command-line:
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/twitterclassifier/twclassifier
Go into /path/to/twitterclassifier/web and run:
Open http://localhost:8080/ in a web browser. For further configuration see and edit /path/to/twitterclassifier/twclassifier/ccore/