
Rust command line utility to track time spent on various projects. Mainly an exercise in learning Rust and git.

Primary LanguageRust

Time Tracker

Rust command line utility to track time spent on various projects. Mainly a vehicle to start learning Rust and to play with git for source control.


No binaries, just clone project and run.


timer start/stop/status/hours/weeks

timer start. Starts a timer by writing the current time and the project in a CSV file.

timer stop reads the timer file and logs the start, stop, duration and project to a separate CSV file.

timer status - prints current timer status

timer hours - prints all logged hours

timer weeks - prints all weekly totals


  • -p PROJECT Specify a project. If no project is specified, the program will just "default"

  • -d DIRECTORY Specify a directory for the files to be stored in. If the directory is on dropbox or some other synchronised location, then this allows projects to be used across systems. This overrides the $TIMERDIR environment variable which can also be used to specify a timer directory.


  • Test across platforms. Currently only tested on Linux and Mac.
  • Test across file hosting services. Currently only tested on DropBox.
  • Loads of other things.