
Primary LanguagePython

RabbitMQ - Python App on KinD Cluster

Install requirements

Install KinD from here.

Install Docker from here.

Install Helm from here.

Deploy the components for the cluster

First create the cluster using kind-cluster.yaml which sets up cluster with ingress-specific values.

kind create cluster --name rabbit-app --config kind-cluster.yaml

Enable NGINX Ingress Controller for the cluster

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/main/deploy/static/provider/kind/deploy.yaml

Add Helm repos

helm repo add elastic https://helm.elastic.co
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm repo add fluent https://fluent.github.io/helm-charts

Install ElasticSearch + Kibana and enable Ingress for Kibana

Note: Ingress in Kibana chart is not used since it uses deprecated Ingress API

helm install elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch -n monitoring --create-namespace -f es-values.yaml
helm install kibana elastic/kibana -n monitoring
kubectl apply -f kibana-ingress.yaml

Install RabbitMQ as 2 node cluster

helm install rabbitmq bitnami/rabbitmq -n messaging --create-namespace -f rabbitmq-values.yaml

Install Fluent-bit for logging

helm install fluent-bit fluent/fluent-bit -n monitoring -f fluent-values.yaml

Deploy application (which checks RabbitMQ cluster and produces random strigs), RabbitMQ producer and RabbitMQ consumer

kubectl apply -f rabbit-check.yaml
kubectl apply -f rabbit-producer.yaml
kubectl apply -f rabbit-consumer.yaml

Edit /etc/hosts to acces the pods from outside of the cluster using hostname. This step is neccesarry to use Ingress.

cat <<EOL >> /etc/hosts kibana.local rabbit-check.local rabbit-producer.local

Visit rabbit-check.local/automatapi/v1/rabbitmqConnection to check RabbitMQ connection status.

Visit rabbit-producer.local to push messages to RabbitMQ.

Visit kibana.local to interract with the ElasticSearch. Cluster logs can be seen from logstash- index pattern. (Fluentbit defaults to this index name.). Documents created by RabbitMQ consumer are stored at rabbitmq-output index.

If any changes are made to Python code, containers should be builded again and deployment yamls shouls be changed accordingly.

Note: This should not be used in production enviorenment since this repository is intended as PoC.