
A lightweight framework to build pluggable and extendable redux/react application

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Reapex is a lightweight "framework" written in TypeScript to build pluggable and extendable redux(react) application

Reapex is created to serve the following purpose:

Get rid of Redux boilerplate.

Action Types are just string constants, and Action Creators are "function constants". One can derive Action Type and Action Creator from a reducer function. Why would I have to create them manually?

Reapex simplified the creation of Action Type/Action Creator/Reducer and combined them to one concept which is called "Mutation". It lets you focus on writing the code logic, not copy/paste boilerplates.

Modularization and ready for code splitting and dynamic loading.

Reapex is designed in a way that modules have a clear boundary with each other, it forces people to think in a modularized way when working with Reapex.

Reapex support plugin which makes it easy to share reusable modules, for example, publish to npm. Such as reapex-plugin-modal

Built with the love of TypeScript

Reapex is written with TypeScript which means you get strong typed state, selectors, actions.


  • Reapex will automatically create actions/action types, much less boilerplate which makes app easy to maintain and less refactoring costs
  • Reapex loads modules dynamically(code-split), sagas/reducers are registered automically
  • Reapex supports plugin, application can be easily extended
  • Super lightweight, can be easily intergrated with existing react/redux/redux-sagas application

Getting started with a simple Counter example

npm i reapex --save

Install peer dependencies

npm i react react-dom redux react-redux redux-saga --save

1. Initialize the application

import { App } from 'reapex'

const app = new App()

2. Create a model(the shape of the state)

const counter = app.model('Counter', { total: 0 })

3. Defined the mutations: how you want the state to be mutated

Mutation combines action types and reducer, and it returns action creators

const [mutations] = counter.mutations({
  increase: (t: number) => s => s.set('total', s.total + t),
  decrease: () => s => s.set('total', s.total - 1),

The function: (t: number) => s => s.set('total', s.total + t), t: number will be the input parameter of the action creator. s is a typed immutable Record<{total: number}>. By running the code above you will get an action creator map as:

  increase: (t: number) => ({ type: 'Counter/increase',  payload: [t] })
  decrease: () => ({ type: 'Counter/decrease' })

4. Connect it with Component

react-reudx users should be very familiar with the following codes, it is a typical react-redux container, but with action creators and selectors which automatically created by reapex.

import React from 'react'
import { createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'

const mapStateToProps = createStructuredSelector({ total: counter.selectors.total })

const mapDispatchToProps = {
  increase: mutations.increase,
  decrease: mutations.decrease,

type CounterComponentProps = typeof mapDispatchToProps & ReturnType<typeof mapStateToProps>

const CounterComponent: React.SFC<CounterComponentProps> = props => {
  return (
      <button onClick={() => props.decrease()}>-</button>
      <button onClick={() => props.increase(2)}>+2</button>

export const Counter = connect(

Note: counter.state.get('total') provides the selector to the total

5. Render it!

import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'

const store = app.createStore()

  <Provider store={store}>
    <Counter />