

Primary LanguageJava

System And Data Security

Assignment: Public Ledger for Auctions


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System and Data Security 21/

March 2, 2022

This assignment requires the implementation of a public blockchain (non-permissioned) [1, 2], but opposite to Bitcoin and Etherium, the purpose here is to have a decentralized public ledger capable of storing auction transactions. All code must be written in Rust or Java.

The work is divided into 3 parts,distributed ledger,secure P2Pandauction mechanisms:
  • The secure ledger should be modular, and it must support PoW as the core consensus (2pt):

    • using proof-of-work [1] (2pt) and,
    • Bonus: proof-of-stake [2] (extra grade 6pt). Do not attempt to this point without com- pleting the rest of the project!
  • Bonus: Present an architecture (no implementation is required!) for implementing a per- missioned blockchain that uses Byzantine Fault-Tolerance (BFT) [3] as its core distributed consensus (hint: start by looking at BFT-SMaRt [4]) (extra grade 1pt).

  • A P2P layer to gossip the necessary data to support the blockchain that has to include (11pt):

  • must implement Kademlia [5, 6] (6pt).

  • Resistance to Sybil and Eclipse attacks (4pt).

  • Implement trust mechanisms [7] (1pt).

  • An auction system capable of supporting sellers and buyers using a single attribute auction following the English auction (7pt):

  • Transactions should be saved in the blockchain (using public key crypto) (1pt)

  • A publisher/subscriber should be built on top of Kademlia to suport auctions [8]. (6pt)

  • Mandatory report with a maximum of 6 pages (with unlimited pages for references), A4, font size 11, using latex.

  • The architecture must be clearly presented, with the design choices being driven by the func- tional requirements(presented above). It also must present the assumptions made, namely mandated by theoretical and practical limitations.

Limitations- Warnings! You can only use low level libraries to help you, such as Netty for communications, or BouncyCastle for crypto. You can not reuse existing open-source projects to do this assignment, namely for proof-of-* and P2P. In doubt, ask me. The expected outcomes are the following:

  • Design and implementation of the aforementioned system, with security as a first class citizen. This means that identity, authorization, authentication, access control and trust/authoritative domains must be addressed. Beware of the communications channels and crypto you use; be sure they fit your needs. The codebase must be hosted in a private repository in Github or Bitbucket.

Hint: Use the IntelliJ IDEs for development (https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/). They are free for students. Scholar is your friend. Use it for exploring related work https://scholar.google.com


[1] Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system. 2008.

[2] Gavin Wood. Ethereum: A secure decentralised generalised transaction ledger.Ethereum project yellow paper, 151:1–32, 2014.

[3] Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov. Practical byzantine fault tolerance and proactive recovery. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), 20(4):398–461, 2002.

[4] Jo ̃ao Sousa, Eduardo Alchieri, and Alysson Bessani. State machine replication for the masses with bft-smart. 2013.

[5] Petar Maymounkov and David Mazieres. Kademlia: A peer-to-peer information system based on the xor metric. InInternational Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, pages 53–65. Springer, 2002.

[6] Ingmar Baumgart and Sebastian Mies. S/kademlia: A practicable approach towards secure key- based routing. InParallel and Distributed Systems, 2007 International Conference on, pages 1–8. IEEE, 2007.

[7] Francis N. Nwebonyi, Rolando Martins, and Manuel E. Correia. Reputation based approach for improved fairness and robustness in p2p protocols. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Dec 2018.

[8] Bittorrent publish/subscribe protocol. http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0050.html. Ac- cessed: 2021-02-15.