
Leto: Realtime Application Stack [Angualr2, Rethinkdb/Horizon, ExpressJS] Web | Mobile | Desktop

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Leto is Framework, for building real-time, web, mobile, desktop, console, and iot appications.


$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/helixone/leto
$ cd leto
$ npm i

Install and Run RethinkDB

Download RethinkDB,  Install and Run

Run Leto

npm start # starts app in dev mode
nodemon ./dist/server/server.js # starts server
npm run electron # starts electron 
open Leto.sln in Visual Stuio

Build Leto

npm build # build server, www, and electron. Output /dist


  • Angualr
  • Ahead-of-time (AoT) compilation
  • Server Sider Rendering (Angular Universal)
  • Webpack 2 with Tree Shaking
  • ExpressJS
  • RethinkDB/Horizon
  • Electron (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • Cordova (iOS) (Coming soon)
  • Crosswalks (Android) (Coming soon)
  • Universal Windows Platform (Windows Store)
  • CLI (Coming soon)