
This repository is the base repository for students to fork and clone from, so they may use the Heroku deployment pipelines established.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. Create Volumes for API and UI - set up in docker compose
  2. Set up deployment pipeline
  3. Map node_modules as volume in docker-compose
  4. Set up Env variables for email and API names.


  1. Web pack deploy on the pipeline
  2. break apart UI and API repositories with Manifest file repository
  3. install and run cypress tests


To set up application:

git clone <url here>

create volumes

  • db volume somehow

  • UI volume:

    • docker service create --mount 'type=bind,src=/Users/jeffhaddock/code/blended/capstone-proof/sdi-capstone-proof-of-concept/ui/src,target=/app/src' --name capstone-ui-volume node:alpine

Need to include directions for how to start up Docker containers and make sure database is already created.

to run a particular env for make command: knex migrate:make --env local creat_about_table

to run against the running database (if 'docker-compose up' has been executed) knex migrate:latest --env local

Check Heroku Logs heroku logs --tail -a bsdi-poc-api