Clustering bike stations coordinates with Gaussian mixtures.
Since the data dimension is small, I thought this would be a better choice than the regular K-mean approach.
Obviously, have JVM, Scala, Spark and Maven installed. Eventually eclipse for building or browsing code.
Run 'mvn install' inside downloaded repo so as to make a uber jar.
To process given json data sample you can run this command (cf
spark-submit --class cluster.Brisbane --master local[*] --name "Brisbane bike station clustering" target/cluster-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar Brisbane_CityBike.json 4 clustered_ids
Which means: run a spark job on local cluster ( --master local[*] ) so as to find 4 cluster indices for bike stations, and write results in clustered_ids folder.
So change --master option if you want to use YARN or Mesos cluster for example ..
The results will be displayed line by line this way:
"$station_id \t $cluster_index"
- Maven - Dependency Management
- [Scala] 2.11.11
- [Spark] 2.2.0
- Java SE 1.8
- The both coordinates type stored in json have been handled but i did not take care of partial data such as station 7:\
"id": 7,
"address": "Margaret St / Edward St",
"latitude": -27.47148,
"longitude": "not relevant"
"id": 7,
"address": "Margaret St / Edward St",
"latitude": "not relevant",
"longitude": 153.029647
Of course, I could have merged those kind of data so as to have valid station, but i would have had to group by ids,
and the question is; in real case scenario, what shoud I do if we have more than two partial data ?
Take the first valid latitude and longitude? Average all the valid data ?
So I decide to eliminate those datas ...
- In production, results shoud be stored according to the date and in different folder
- Use Plotly's Scala graphing library so as to pretty print clusters ...