
Daily Hadith in your Home Assistant

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HomeAssistantDailyHadith visitors

Daily Hadith in your Home Assistant. Source obtained from Sunnah.com API.
Please register and obtain your API Key here


1. configuration.yaml

  • Copy the sensors to your current configuration.yaml.
  • Replace the API Key with your key
  • Restart to take effect.

2. lovelace.yaml

  • Example given is in a markdown card.
  • You may simply 'Copy and paste' 😋

3. automation.yaml

  • Example given is based on sun state sensor (Sunrise)
  • You may simply 'Copy and paste'

Automation Ideas

  • Idea #1: Read out the daily hadith via TTS
  • Idea #2: Send out to Family Telegrams during a certain time (e.g. Sunrise)

Example output


Special Thanks