Browser extension that adds video solutions, company tags, and GPT code analysis into Leetcode problems
- 4
- 1
289. Game of Life video is broken
#57 opened by zubyj - 0
Use webextension-polyfill
#47 opened by zubyj - 4
Panels hidden when logged into LC
#50 opened by ebarcly - 0
The extension is not working for Leetcode old UI
#56 opened by arvinloh - 0
- 0
Modifications in company.html
#54 opened by AmitSharma1127 - 0
The extension is not working as expected as leetcode has just changed the ui. Need to update the code.
#53 opened by apurbar06 - 0
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Code complexity should work when editorial, solutions, or submissions tab are open
#46 opened by zubyj - 1
- 0
Localization - Add support for different languages.
#33 opened by zubyj - 1
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GPT buttons broke in v2.0.6
#43 opened by zubyj - 2
Add leetCode problems rating
#42 opened by chaman-rawat - 12
Extension for Mozilla Firefox
#36 opened by geckguy - 0
For the company's top asked questions, if the user doesnt have LC premium, link to the lintcode url instead of leetcode.
#38 opened by zubyj - 1
- 0
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Format code complexity response
#31 opened by zubyj - 1
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Reduce the size of chrome extension, currently 10MB
#23 opened by zubyj - 1
Use typescript
#22 opened by zubyj - 1
Add linter
#20 opened by zubyj - 2
Popup.js should remember the previous gpt request.
#17 opened by zubyj - 4
Get rid of warnings when downloading extension by trying to remove some chrome apis and permissions
#18 opened by zubyj - 1
- 2
When resizing the windows in Leetcode, iframe expands fine but shrinking the iframe doesnt work
#1 opened by zubyj - 1
- 1
Before making repo public, delete all exposed Youtube Data API keys on google accounts
#5 opened by zubyj - 1
Find out how to retrieve 'Solutions' tab using class or id name rather than CSS selectors (bad practice)
#3 opened by zubyj - 3
When the code is updated, the get complexity function still uses the old code until the page is refreshed.
#11 opened by zubyj - 1
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Video is not being injected when problem is navigated to. Only injected when refreshing the page.
#9 opened by zubyj - 1
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Remove console logs before deploying
#4 opened by zubyj - 1