
A Repository for algorithms in C, C++, Python and Java

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A repository for all Algorithms

Programs we have been a part of

No. Program Name Duration Deployment
1. Hacktoberfest (2022) 1st Oct 2022 - 31st Oct 2022 Algorithm
2. Social Winter of Code (2023) 1st Jan 2023 - 10th Apr 2023 Algorithm

Available Resources

  • The resources are categorized based on programming language. One folder for one programming language

    • Each folder has different subfolders. The subfolder represents the category algorithm belongs to
      • Each subfolder has different files. Filename represents the name of the algorithm

No. Algorithm Name Available languages Category
1. Huffman Coding C, C++, Java,Python Data Compression
2. Karatsuba Algorithm C++ Divide and Conquer
3. 0/1 Knapsack C, C++, Java, Python Dynamic Programming
4. Bellman Ford C++ Graphs
5. Dijkstra C, C++, Java, Python Graphs
6. Floyd Warshall C, C++, Java, Python Graphs
7. Prim's Algorithm C++ Graphs
8. Fractional Knapsack C++ Greedy Algorithm
9. Addition of two Linked Lists C++ Linked List
10. Singly Linked List C, C++, Python Linked List
11. Doubly Linked List Java Linked List
12. Decision Tree Python Machine Learning
13. Armstrong Numbers C, C++, Java, Python Maths
14. Binary Exponentiation C++ Maths
15. Factors C, C++, Java, Python Maths
16. GCD & LCM C, C++, Java, Python Maths
17. Prime Number C, C++, Java, Python Maths
18. Sieve Eratosthenes Algorithm C++, Java Maths
19. Rabin Karp C++ Pattern Matching
20. Binary Search on 2D Matrix Java Searching
21. Binary Search C, C++, Java, Python Searching
22. Linear Search C, C++, Java, Python Searching
23. Sliding Window Problems C++ Sliding Window
24. Bubble Sort C, C++, Java, Python Sorting
25. Counting Sort C++ Sorting
26. Cyclic Sort C++, Java, Python Sorting
27. Dutch National Flag C++, Java Sorting
28. Heap Sort C, C++, Java, Python Sorting
29. Insertion Sort C, C++, Java, Python Sorting
30. Merge Sort C, C++, Java, Python Sorting
31. Quick Sort C++ Sorting
32. Selection Sort C, C++, Java, Python Sorting
33. Topological Sort C++ Sorting
34. Wave Sort Python Sorting
35. AVL Tree C++, Java, Python Trees
36. Binary Search Tree C, C++ Trees
37. Morris Traversal C, C++ Trees
38. Red-Black Tree C++, Python Trees

Contributors 🫂

Steps for Contributing 🚀

Refer to this YouTube Video for reference!

  • Fork and clone the Repo by typing the following commands in the terminal
$ git clone https://github.com/Kumar-laxmi/Algorithms.git

$ cd Algorithms
  • Now to add your resource to website, add an object with keys same as listed in existing objects in the file.
  • Save and commit your code.
  • Push to your fork of the repository , navigate to original repository and make a pull request.

Screenshot 2022-10-23 at 8 03 11 AM
Screenshot 2022-10-23 at 8 03 31 AM
  • Clone the Repository after forking
$ git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/Algorithms.git

$ cd techsquad-community-website
  • Make changes to the code(for ex- add an update route)

  • Create a Branch using:

$ git checkout -b <branch-name>
  • Stage your changes using:
$ git add .
  • Commit your changes using:
$ git commit -m "add any comment"
  • Push the changes to the forked repository using:
$ git push origin <branch-name>
  • Navigate to the original repository and make a pull request
  • In case of merge conflict fetch and merge from the remote repository

Please don't forget to update the Available Resources section

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