bash 4.4 patch for syslog and be able to show the login username, login ip address etc
With no patch(but with syslog enable in config-top.h) you can see in log: (with sudo -s ==> root):
Sep 20 20:12:49 -bash: HISTORY: PID=1722 UID=0 cat /var/log/syslog
With these patches, you can see:(with sudo -s ==> root):
Jun 8 11:04:04 ip-192-168-1-188 -bash[15245]: HISTORY: IP=123.444.666.33 PID=15245 PPID=15244 SID=15219 UID=0 USER=root LOGIN=ec2-user CMD=pwd
bash --version
yum install -y wget gcc patch
tar -zxvf bash-4.4.tar.gz
cd bash-4.4
cp config-top.h config-top.original.h
cp bashhist.c bashhist.original.c
patch config-top.h <config-top.h.patch
patch bashhist.c <bashhist.c.patch
diff -Npru config-top.original.h config-top.h >config-top.h.patchlog
diff -Npru bashhist.original.c bashhist.c >bashhist.c.patchlog
cat bashhist.c.patchlog
cat config-top.h.patchlog
./configure -prefix=/usr/local/bash_4.4
make install
echo '/usr/local/bash_4.4/bin/bash' >> /etc/shells
cat /etc/passwd|grep /bin/bash
sed -i 's#/bin/bash#/usr/local/bash_4.4/bin/bash#g' /etc/passwd
If you like you can also change these below:
And make the next few lines:
#if defined (SYSLOG_HISTORY)
Change to:
#if defined (SYSLOG_HISTORY)
LOG_USER and LOG_INFO means that bash history will use the “user” facility and “info” level. By default, if we don’t change the facility and level of syslog, the bash history will fill with the /var/log/messages …
Available facility: kern, user, info, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, news, uucp, lpr, ftp, cron, local0-7
Available level: emerg, alert, crit, err, notice, info, debug
So I choose the unusual facility “local1″ and level “debug”.
The bash history has the same effect like this command: logger -p local1.debug “helloworld” .